Developing democracy by using ICT Allar, Janne and Andri Turkey 2013
e-Democracy provides an opportunity to redisign political and administrative processes aimed towards more transparent, effective and participatory governance e-Democracy is an essential component of modern democratic governance The core of e-Democracy is not technology itself but the use of technology to empower citizens
Citizens participation in government on all levels by expressing their opinion and by voting Making use of electronic communication in democracy Citizens being offered information in order to form an opinion on political matters by using communication technologies
Citizens can be approached easily ◦ Information can be transported in a more pointed way ◦ effortless way of communication ◦ no need to physically move ◦ effective way of communicating Cheap ◦ Messages can be delivered to a great quantity of recipients without much additional effort Changing the „silent majority“ to active, citizens, making use of their opinions
74 % of population are Internet users 63 % of the households have a computer at home, 82 % of home computers connected to Internet. Over 700 Public Internet Access Points in Estonia, 51 per people. More than 1,1 million smart-card type ID- cards issued (Estonian population is app. 1,3 million) 90% of tax declarations were e-declarations and 97% of businesses decalarations 1’st place in Internet Banking – next are Norway, Nederlands, New Zealand 18th of 134 place in Network Readiness index, 3th in eGov, 1 in eGov services (Global IT Report for World Economic Forum)
Handbook on e-Democracy ◦ Democracy Administration ◦ pdf pdf e-Voting: lessons learnt and future challenges ◦ _evoting_Conference.pdf _evoting_Conference.pdf
Political campaigning ◦ Candidates or strategies are introduced to the public via internet Communication with citizens ◦ The public is asked for opion on discussion etc. Briefing government documents ◦ The public gets informed about new developments Voting ◦ Citizens can vote on behalf new laws or candidates
e-Voting in Estonia voters in 2011 *Armchair voters begin to vote...
Todays information and communication technologies help people with disabilities to: ◦ Talk Text-to-voice Programs ◦ Hear Software, hardware ◦ See Bionic eyes ◦ Move, walk Proccessor controlled legs
Disabled people benefit most from e-democracy Disabled people can now participate more easily in society and democracy by using ICT services
Tehcnology ◦ Usage of computers and other electronic devices that compensate or help with different impairments Software ◦ Different programs that help disabled people to recieve information or express themselves Means of communication ◦ Internet, mobile networks and different online services
eGovernment is a generic term that refers to any government functions or processes that are carried out in digital form over the Internet
e-Tax Board/e-Customs ◦ Online filing of income taxes for citizens and businesses e-Police and Border Guard Board ◦ Information about your documents, applications etc. e-Health ◦ Patients reciepts, health history etc. e-Elections ◦ Online voting and information about candidates or laws
Required for citizens ◦ Personal identification card for every citizen – ID Card
Recent and most famous example – Arab Spring ◦ Social media was the main instigator of the uprisings ◦ Its role in the uprisings has demonstrated to the world its power ◦ Information allowed the world to stay updated with the protests and facilitated organizing protests Movie about role of internet in todays world democracy ◦ We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists (2012)
Role of ICT is tremendous in our world today Democracy and governing will have to change and adapt new technologies We live in interesting times!