DCPS Mentoring and Induction for Novice Teachers
The E-Portfolio homepage provides a professional learning calendar, timely announcements, and helpful links. The E-Portfolio is a tool for communication and collaboration.
Announcements and helpful links will be maintained on the homepage.
The MINT Documents’ link in the left navigation menu provides access to all MINT document forms. You may download forms as needed to your computer and upload the finished product to your MINT document library. The MINT participant is not required to upload the CAST rubric since it is available through the CAST portfolio. However, if the teacher would like to focus support on specific areas, it may be helpful to share observation data.
Click on your name to access your MINT document library
The document library is the repository for your portfolio artifacts. When you are ready to upload a completed MINT document or artifact click on “Add document”.
There is also an upload document icon located on the tool bar. Once you upload a document, you may a link to your mentor or other support team member to review.
The upload screen will allow you to browse your computer and select your document. Locate the document you wish to upload and click “OK”.
Once you select a document for upload you must label it using the official MINT document name. The drop-down menu “Name” will provide the necessary choices. For example, your IPDP will be labeled I10-NT IPDP Yr1.
Successfully uploaded documents will appear in your document library.
You may edit your documents when appropriate. For example, adding completion dates and reflections to your IPDP. Your mentor or other support team members may also provide comments on documents such as lesson plans, etc. by using the tracking feature in edit mode. Always save changes!
You may a link to any of your documents to a support team member for review and input directly from the document library. Check the appropriate document and select “ a Link” in the tool bar.
You can set up an alert when documents are changed. For example, you may want your mentor to receive an alert when you update your IPDP or you may wish to be notified if your mentor enters a change or update.
To return to the homepage click ‘Browse” and then click the MINT tab.
Save the MINT Portfolio URL in your Favorites! We will keep you up to date as new capabilities are available.