RTT Analysis Workshop Species Status and Trend (Chapter 1) Casey Baldwin RTT Chairperson WDFW Research Scientist.


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Presentation transcript:

RTT Analysis Workshop Species Status and Trend (Chapter 1) Casey Baldwin RTT Chairperson WDFW Research Scientist

Session 1. Species status and trend How are the fish doing with respect to the VSP parameters? VSP = Viable Salmonid Population 1)Abundance 2)Productivity 3)Spatial structure 4)Diversity

Key Management Questions: Is the status of the population/ESU/DPS improving? Is the abundance of naturally produced adult fish trending to the recovery criteria for each population? Is the population productivity of naturally produced fish trending to the recovery criteria for each population? Is the spatial structure of the populations trending to the recovery criteria for each population? Is the phenotypic and genotypic diversity of the population trending to the recovery criteria for each population? Is juvenile productivity of naturally produced fish increasing within each population?

Presentations / papers 1)Cooney et al. update to status assessments since the Recovery Plan. 2)Weigel et al.- genetic variation of O. mykiss for a portion of the Methow Population 3)RTT- after the workshop- Juvenile productivity (smolt trap summaries)

UC Spring Chinook = high risk UC Steelhead = high risk Species status and trend

UC Spring Chinook: Updated AP Status Metrics

Wenatchee River Spring Chinook Viability Curve

Species status and trend Wenatchee Okanogan Entiat Methow

Spatial Structure Spring Chinook = Low Risk for all populations Steelhead = Low Risk for all populations, except Okanogan Recent restoration efforts in Salmon Creek and Omak Creek are likely to reduce the risk level in future status updates.

Homogenization Upper Columbia Chinook Snake River Chinook Diversity Update Genetic Homogenization

Spawner Composition Trends pHOS = % hatchery spawners. high = bad

Diversity Management Action: ENFH stopped releasing out-of-ESU origin hatchery spring Chinook (2007).

Species status and trend Steelhead Entiat Methow Wenatchee Okanogan Spring Chinook Entiat Methow Wenatchee

Key Management Questions: Is the status of the population/ESU/DPS improving? Summary: Current trends in the data have little adaptive management significance given that populations are still so far from recovery levels and that they are based on such a short time series.

Adaptive Management Recommendations VSP parameters 1.Change will be slow, more actions are needed 2.Need to define a trend

Key Management Questions: Is the status of the population/ESU/DPS improving? Is the abundance of naturally produced adult fish trending to the recovery criteria for each population? Is the population productivity of naturally produced fish trending to the recovery criteria for each population? Is the spatial structure of the populations trending to the recovery criteria for each population? Is the phenotypic and genotypic diversity of the population trending to the recovery criteria for each population?

Adaptive Management Recommendations VSP parameters 1.Change will be slow, more actions are needed 2.Need to define a trend

Adaptive Management Recommendations VSP parameters 1.Change will be slow, more actions are needed 2.Need to define a trend 3.Need to incorporate Canadian Okanogan

Key Management Questions: Is the status of the population/ESU/DPS improving? Is the abundance of naturally produced adult fish trending to the recovery criteria for each population? Is the population productivity of naturally produced fish trending to the recovery criteria for each population? Is the spatial structure of the populations trending to the recovery criteria for each population? Is the phenotypic and genotypic diversity of the population trending to the recovery criteria for each population? Is juvenile productivity of naturally produced fish increasing within each population?

Juvenile Productivity Summary table (smolt trap summary) Snapshot of some data (smolts/redd) Discuss the future

Juvenile Productivity

Juvenile Productivity Summary Table

Adaptive Management Recommendations Juvenile Productivity 1.Change will be slow, more actions are needed 2.Need to define a trend 3.Evaluate statistics (variance, autocorrelation, duration) within and between trapping locations.
