HERMES 26 March /19 European Knowledge Infrastructure towards a European Marine Observation and Data Network Iain Shepherd European Commission
HERMES 26 March /19 why data is underused Discovery of Data. –Especially difficult outside your own community Access to data. –Confidentiality –Desire of owners to exploit added-value themselves Use of data. –Often restricted to “research” Cost of data. –Landsat fiasco Coherence of Data. –Especially cross-disciplinary and cross-border Quality of Data. –Data unaccompanied by precision estimates is useless Quantity of Data. –Are we undersampling? marine observation and data expert group 1-2 December /31
HERMES 26 March /19 discovery, access and use - environmental law Discovery –INSPIRE 2007/2/EC Access –Environmental Information Directive 2003/4/EC Use –Public Sector Information Directive 2003/98/EC Apply to bodies exercising public authority – not necessarily research establishments
incentives to make date available
HERMES 26 March /19 Design Principle 1 collect data once and share it many times. –especially if paid by public money that is funding the collection of data, –does not of course obviate the need for confirmatory measurements.
HERMES 26 March /19 RussiaFinland Boulders> 100 mm> 600 mm Cobbles10 – 100 mm mm Gravel1 – 10 mm2 – 60 mm Sand1 – 0.1 mm2 – 0.06 mm Silt0.1 – 0.01 mm0.06 – mm Clay< 0.01 mm< mm
HERMES 26 March /19 develop interoperable standards –between different disciplines as well as within communities –respect the provisions of INSPIRE implementation rules Design Principle 2
HERMES 26 March /19 focus on sea-basins –process at laboratory level, national level, sea- basin level, European level –European level connected to sea-basin level Design Principle 3
HERMES 26 March /19 Requires sustainable funding at EU level marine observation and data expert group 1-2 December /31 Design Principle 4
HERMES 26 March /19 Design Principle 5 Build on existing structures –Eurogeosurveys –International Hydrographic Organisation. –regional sea conventions. –EuroGOOS allow EMODNET to profit from the expertise and organisation that has been developed
HERMES 26 March /19 Design Principle 6 user driven –need to develop feedback mechanisms –define priorities
HERMES 26 March /19 Design Principle 7 clarify ownership, accuracy and precision –data should be accompanied by a statement concerning ownership, rights of use, precision and accuracy –allows recognition of data providers
HERMES 26 March /19 Design Principle 8 freedom of use for publicly funded data –conditions of use remain prerogative of owner –need to move cautiously a number of organisations in the public domain – particularly in geology and hydrography - are concerned that the loss of income from data sales might limit their ability to process and archive data. –nevertheless the charging for data for commercial use is a brake on innovation without bringing a net gain in benefits for society
HERMES 26 March /19 Preparatory Actions €4,250,000 develop, test, operate and maintain portals allowing public access and viewing of these data monitor and report on the effectiveness of the system analyse what further steps need to be taken keep the portal operational afterwards and be prepared to transfer to the Commission.
HERMES 26 March /19 Preparatory Actions €4,250,000 hydrographyNorth Seathe Celtic Seas, the Western Mediterranean, the Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean geologyNorth SeaBaltic and Celtic Seas chemistryNorth SeaBlack Sea biologyNorth SeaBay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast habitatsNorth SeaBaltic, Celtic Seas and Western Mediterranean
geologyhydrography chemistry fish other species biology fishing other activity human activity At sea-basin level; develop complete picture, measure quality and analyse gaps (including habitat map) fishing other activity economics Researchers Public authorities Industry (value added services) Marine Strategy Framework Directive Gravel extraction, Renewable energy, Port operation, Aquaculture, etc Sea-level rise estimate Climate prediction Atlas of the Seas: disseminate data, clarify policies and promote sea-basin approach space in-situ physics public Data Data Assembly and visualisation Target users Practical use
HERMES 26 March /19 Next steps next weekLaunch roadmap and public consultation June 23submit impact assessment Novemberadopt action plan
HERMES 26 March /19 options 1.carry on as before data collection data assembly data processing (indicators etc)
HERMES 26 March /19 Monitoring and evaluation