Jeopardy Unit 1 – Changes in Me Embedded Assessment 1 Vocabulary Review
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A story about an incident
What is a Narrative?
A distinct or specific piece of action, such as an episode in a story or play.
What is an Incident?
Writing that describes a personal incident
What is a Personal Narrative?
Words or phrases that help the reader follow your story by smoothly connecting ideas, details, or events
What are Transitions?
The methods a writer uses to develop characters; for example through descriptions, actions, and dialogue
What is Characterization?
Refers to the vantage point from which a story is told
What is Point of View?
The teller of a story is a character in the story narrating what he or she sees or knows.
What is First Person Point of View?
When the teller of the story or narrator is someone outside of the story.
What is Third Person Point of View?
This is conversations between characters.
What is Dialogue?
This is the sequence of events that make up a story.
What is Plot?
These are details that appeal to the reader’s five senses.
What are Sensory Details?
This is an event that makes something happen.
What is a Cause?
This is the result of an event or action.
What is an Effect?
This is the direct meaning or reference of a word.
What is Denotation?
This is an idea or notion suggested by or associated with a word or phrase.
What is Connotation?
Words that name a person, place, thing or idea.
What are Nouns?
Words that describe, or modifies, a noun. These tell which, what kind, how many, or how much.
What are Adjectives?
Words that express existence, action or occurrence.
What are Verbs?
These are punctuation marks that are used around words that are spoken in dialogue.
What are Quotation Marks?
This identifies who is speaking and accompanies the dialogue.
What is a Dialogue Tag?
This is the ability to use language clearly and easily.
What is Fluency?
The time and place in which a narrative occurs.
What is Setting?
This is the pattern of rhyming lines in a poem or song.
What is Rhyme Scheme?
This is to study closely; examine the details.
What is Analyze?
The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words that are close together.
What is Alliteration?