Blended Learning is "Sblended" Kristi Bush K-12 Media Specialist, Shepherd Public Schools Online Instructor, Michigan Virtual School
If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow. --John Dewey
The content drives the technology, not the other way around!
"E-Learning does not exist apart from already established and traditional learning venues. As new technology is introduced and adopted, it immediately becomes integrated with the instructional technology that preceded it. This is called 'Blended Learning' or 'Hybrid Learning' delivery. We are blending old and new instructional methods, and more technically we are blending a sequence of both synchronous and asynchronous learning events." Source: "BlendedLearning." Cognitive Design Solutions Web. 01 Mar
"A relatively new learning methodology, blended learning combines the inspiration and motivation of traditional classroom teaching with the flexibility of e-learning..." Source: "Blended Learning | Improving Traditional Educational Practices Using 21st Century Tools." Urban Social Design. 14 Apr Web. 01 Mar