Deir el –Medina Place of Truth Life of the common man
10/11/2014Free Template from Deir el- Medina Uncovered
10/11/2014Free Template from Evidence Housing and decoration Temples and altars Tombs of the Kings Tombs of the villagers Ostraca Surviving literature, including Tale of Sinuhe
10/11/2014Free Template from Deir el- Medina Founded by Amenhotep1, 18 th dynasty, during New Kingdom, ca 1525 B.C Tutmosis 1 (ca 1500B.C ) builds the first wall Located near the Valley of the Kings, west of Thebes, across the Nile
10/11/2014Free Template from Location of Deir el-Medina
10/11/2014Free Template from Tombs of the Kings-Thutmose 111
10/11/2014Free Template from Community of Craftsmen In use for over 500 years Approximately 100 inhabitants plus children Known names include- Kha the architect -Ramose the scribe -Kenherkopershef the historian Workers for the tomb builders, but other workmen included gardners, fishermen, potters and handymen Specialized jobs included painters, plasterers, sculptors, foremen and scribes
10/11/2014Free Template from Social Structure of Egypt
10/11/2014Free Template from Organization of Workgangs
10/11/2014Free Template from Craftsmen of Egypt
10/11/2014Free Template from Housing
10/11/2014Free Template from Artists reconstruction of workmens houses
10/11/2014Free Template from About 100 homes, were plain and made of mudbrick, mostly single storey The average family consisted of father, mother, and two to four children. Relatives who had fallen on hard times may have shared their flat, as may have, in the more affluent households, a small number of servants. The living space per person seems to have been between five and fifteen square metres. As the man was often away for the whole work week, the overcrowding was not quite as bad most of the time.
10/11/2014Free Template from Furniture
10/11/2014Free Template from Temples and Altars- The Temple of Hathor
10/11/2014Free Template from Temples of the West Bank
10/11/2014Free Template from Private Tombs
10/11/2014Free Template from Tomb Entrance
10/11/2014Free Template from Sennedjem’s Tomb
10/11/2014Free Template from Tomb of Sennedjem Discovered in tact in 1886, it displayed the conventional funerary imagery, as well as Sennedjem and his wife in their daily life.
10/11/2014Free Template from Tombs of the Foremen, Inerkhau and Pashedu
10/11/2014Free Template from Ostraca Thousands of ostraka have been found They include letters, notes, records and evidence of daily life Most are written in hieratic, a short hand version of heiroglyphs
10/11/2014Free Template from Ostraca showing orders for yarn and wood for a king’s tomb
10/11/2014Free Template from Women of Deir el- Medina Thou shouldst not supervise they wife in her house, when thou knowest she is efficient. Do not say to her: 'Where is it? Fetch it for us!' when she has put it in the most useful place. Let thine eye have regard, while thou art silent, that thou mayest recognize her abilities."
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