Managing Users
Overview for School Admin Users
Define Users Users Module Add Users Importing Users and Groups Manually adding users Search for Users Update Users Updating individual User records Updating groups of selected Users Reports Targeting your Users Define Relationships, Groups and Options Groups Module Adding groups and options Autoresponders Public vs Private & Shared groups and options Topic Areas
Registered Users are: Preloaded into the System Manually Registered Users can: Edit Record Select Notification Groups and relationships Update personal information Unsubscribe What is a User - A parent, staff, student, community member, etc. with a record they can update
Add Manually add users List Returns an alphabetized list of users Search Allows you to search for users based on name, address, etc. Import Add users from a comma delimited file for bulk loads Users vs Groups: Users = to import new subscribers Group = to assign existing subscribers to a group Users Module
Manual Addition User name is the unique field addresses are optional Add Users (Add User)
Importing Users District Administrator Interface Administrator Adding Users
Importing groups Assign Users to groups Users must already have a record Adding Users ( Import Groups)
List Users Click to view both active and inactive users Search for duplicate first and last names Search by interface or all What would you like to do with record? See total User count Search through list alphabetically Add New User Edit Records
Search Users Use partial data to search for addresses on a certain domains. There are no wildcard search characters needed.
In addition to updating individual User records, you can also update groups of users based on: Search criteria Alphabetized lists Update Users (Search Users) (List Users)
To update groups, select the users from the list and then select action from the drop-down menu. Actions include: Inactivate, Activate, Delete, Add to Group, and Assign to Relationship Update Users (Search Users) (List Users)
Searches done by interface administrators or while on a particular school interface will return users with any relationship to your school. Admin Tip
User Reports Select the options to get a list of related users. Reports > Users
The most common complaint from users: Not receiving communications via /text The most common cause: Set up problem in user profile, i.e. Wrong address (typo, old address) Phone number for text in the wrong phone number entry field User may need to add From address to list of accepted senders (whitelist) in account Admin Tip
Overview for School Admin Targeting Your Users
Targeting Users Relationship Association with particular school established through Schools > Relationship section Group Main Category Description becomes Registration Question Option Registration Option Filters used when sending communication
Clarification Please GroupOptionRelationship A category for options Description becomes visible to users when register Sub-category of Groups The “answers” to the Group Description during Registration process Group Option used to send to targeted group Selected by user during registration process. Users can have relationships with multiple schools Messages can be sent to any school from District Interface School interfaces can only send to Users that registered at that’s schools sign-up and Users that selected that school Registered Interface The school or district site where the User registered
Groups Module Add Group – add a category and explanation for options Add Option – adds the option that Users can select List – Lists all Groups and options. Able to access and edit from this page. Assign User – select users from Alphabetical list and/or by interface and assign to a group
Adding Groups Add Group – add a category and explanation for options Add Group User Record
Adding Options Add Option – adds the option that Users can select
Public vs Private & Shared Public = group or option is visible when registering or updating record Private = subscriber must be assigned to group or option by administrator Shared = group or option is available on all other interfaces
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