C D CCC Vocal Exercise 1 (1) FULL TRACK DDDD HIDE TEXT HIDE It’s so cool to spend time with your friends,
E C E DD Vocal Exercise 1 (2) FULL TRACK CCCC Repeat Screen 1 & times but a note higher each time HIDE It’s so great, the fun just ne – ver ends. HIDE TEXT
FF A F A Vocal Exercise 2 (1) FULL TRACK HIDE Fi - ddle di - ddle fee, HIDE TEXT
G G B G B Vocal Exercise 2 (2) FULL TRACK HIDE Ri - ddle di - ddle ree,
v A A C A C Vocal Exercise 2 (3) FULL TRACK HIDE Ti - ddle di - ddle tee,
DD E D E Vocal Exercise 3 (1) FULL TRACK D Don’t you just love sing - ing?
EE F E F Vocal Exercise 3 (2) FULL TRACK E Don’t you dote on dan - cing?
F F G F G Vocal Exercise 3 (3) FULL TRACK F Think ab - out per - for - ming
Repeat Screen 1 & 2 & 3 & times but a note higher each time A D G F E Vocal Exercise 3 (4) FULL TRACK D HIDE Is - n’t it ex - ci - ting?
Repeat Screen times but a note higher each time B Vocal Exercise 4 (1) FULL TRACK EE G A F G E F D EEE HIDE Sli -ding down the stairs to start an - oth – er spec-ial day.
EE Vocal Exercise 5 (1) FULL TRACK FF GG AA HIDE I have re - al - ised to - day I’m
Repeat Screen 1& times but a note higher each time B Vocal Exercise 5 (2) FULL TRACK A G C B A G E HIDE brill- iant at keep- ing a sec - ret.
A F B G Vocal Exercise 6 (1) FULL TRACK C A D B HIDE Sun - shine, snow - fall, hail - stones, tem - pests
Repeat Screen 1 & times but a note higher each time C F C Vocal Exercise 6 (2) FULL TRACK HIDE Let it be?
GG Vocal Exercise 7 (1) FULL TRACK GGG AAAAA HIDE Here I am knock- ing, Pat - ience wear-ing thin,
BB Vocal Exercise 7 (2) FULL TRACK BBB C C Repeat Screen 1 & times but a note higher each time Why does - n’t some - one Ans - wer?
C D E F Vocal Exercise 8 (1) FULL TRACK G F D E C (to continue to next slide) HIDE To show or hide animation word SHOW to appear when not HIDE Repeat Screen 1 & times but a note higher each time Would you care to come with me to
C Vocal Exercise 8 (2) FULL TRACK C town?
Vocal Exercise 9 (1) FULL TRACK HIDE C D EE DD C E F GG FF E Repeat Screen times but a note higher each time Now I think I’m going to sneeze?
Vocal Exercise 10 (1) FULL TRACK HIDE E D C B AAA C B A G FFF Repeat Screen times but a note higher each time Have a go in har - mo - ny.