APNIC Executive Council (EC) Report APNIC 31 Hong Kong 25 February
APNIC EC Members for 2010 Name Until#elected MAEMURA Akinori (Chair)20126 MA Yan (Secretary) James SPENCELEY (Treasurer)20111 Jian ZHANG Hyun-Joon KWON Che-Hoo CHENG20127 Kuo-Wei WUresigned, April 2010 Paul WILSON (ex-Officio) 2
Changes in the EC membership In April 2010 Kuo-Wei Wu resigned as an EC member, following his appointment to the Board of ICANN The EC extends its thanks to Kuo-Wei Wu for his service to APNIC as a member of the EC from March 1999 until April
Functions of the APNIC EC To represent the interests of Members in the governance of APNIC Have oversight of APNIC activities To consider broad Internet policy issues for APNIC’s strategic direction To set membership dues To endorse the policy consensus towards implementation 4
EC Meetings Since APNIC Septemberteleconference 21 Octoberteleconference 18 Novemberteleconference 10 Decemberteleconference 16 Decemberin person, Brisbane 10 Februaryteleconference 21 Februaryin person, Hong Kong All minutes can be found at: 5
EC Activities Regularities –Monthly review of APNIC Financial reports –Monthly consideration of APNIC operational updates –Selection of location of APNIC meetings –Budget Projects –Review of APNIC EC election process –Strategic Planning 6
Review of the election process According to Election Review Panel’s recommendation – 2851/Panel-Recommendation-Report.pdfhttp:// 2851/Panel-Recommendation-Report.pdf Points of review –To eliminate ambiguities on the process –To reinforce the neutrality and independence of the process A brand-new process is being launched –Clear documentation and “Election Chair” 7
Strategic Planning “Need for Change” after “Decade of Growth” Kicked off the process of Strategic Planning in the EC Retreat in December 2010 –Intensive program with a Facilitator –Set several focal aspects: IPv4 exhaustion, IPv6 transition, Environmental changes, Registry function, Sustainability Periodical consideration for updates 8
2011 Budget The EC determined the 2011 Budget and Member Fees –In its meeting on December 16 –To be presented in EC Treasurer Report –The EC is pleased to announce to the Members that APNIC Member fees for 2011 will be held at 2010 levels 9
Thank You! Questions? As the representative of the membership, the EC is more than happy to hear your comments, questions and suggestions Membership meetings twice a year EC Meeting minutes, and information about the EC is published at: 10