DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF JUMILLA OVER THE LAST CENTURY By 1st Bachillerato students Infanta Elena Secondary School Jumilla
ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM Jumilla has undergone 3 demographic stages during the 20th Century. First period Moderate demographic increase Second period Stagnation period Third period Demographic increase
ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM Demographic changes in Jumilla (Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadisitca) o Jumilla suffered no demographic increase over 80 years aproximately. o Possible reasons for this stagnation: Epidemic Wars and struggles Economic Crisis leading to migratory movements. Birth and mortality problems.
OBJECTIVES Study of the changes in population over the 20th Century Hypothesis testing: Demographic stagnation is mainly due to the high immigration of the population of Jumilla to industrialized areas compensated by a high birth increase. Neighbouring towns with similar economy will have suffered the same emigration movements. Neighbouring towns with industrial economy will show a growth. Find out relations between migratory movements and historic and economic events. Compare demographic changes in Jumilla to the rest of Spain.
THEORETICAL BASIS BIRTH AND MORTALITY “The birth rate is typically the rate of births in a population over time.” (Wikipedia 17th ) “ Mortality rate is a measure of the number of deaths (in general, or due to a specific cause) in a population “ (Wikipedia 17th )
THEORETICAL BASIS MIGRATION “Human migration is the movement of people from one area to another, sometimes over long distances or in large groups. Immigration is the movement of people into a country or region, where they are not native, in order to settle. Emigration is the act of leaving one's country or region to settle in a different one for long.” (Wikipedia 18th )
METHODOLOGY Data complilation such as birth and mortality figures getting information from different sources: National Statistics Institute Census of Local Entity Murcia Region Data Centre. Historic migratory movement analysis Historic event analysis susch as wars, epidemic, economic crisis affecting demographic changes.
RESULTS Demographic changes in Jumilla during the period
RESULTS Demographic changes in Jumilla during the period
RESULTS YearBirthDeathsNatural Increase
RESULTS Emigration from Murcia to other Spanish provinces
RESULTS Comparison of Jumilla to Northwest municipalities Municipalities with a similar development pattern to Jumilla. Rural economy.
RESULTS Comparison of Jumilla to the municipalities near Murcia Municipalities with a different development pattern to Jumilla. Urban and inductrial economy..
RESULTS Comparison of Jumilla to the neighbouring municipalities. Municipalities with a similar development pattern to Jumilla. Rural economy and small industry.
RESULTS Comparison of Jumilla to the mining municipalities in the coast of Cartagena. Municipalities with a different development pattern to Jumilla. Mining economy suffering from crisis since 1950.
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS Jumilla shows a demographic balance from 1920 to 1990 Growth is positive. Migration is negative. Demographic balance is the result of: Migration ( 0) = 0 Comparison of areas: Northwest: Demographic evolution similar to Jumilla, even in many decreasing municipalities. Area round Murcia. Demgraphic increase since the policy of economic development (1960) Mining areas. Demographic decrease since the stop of mining. Area round Jumilla. Different demographic growth following the municipality development pattern.
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS Emigration movements: At first, People moved mainly to Barcelona, and later they moved to Vinalopó Valley and Valencia, From 1910 to 1920 ( Jumilla, from to inhabitants). It is a period of economic wealth, as the continuation of the period started during the previous century due to wine expansion; this causes a immigration movement. Civil War consequences were not important for these municipalities being far from the struggles. Since 2000, demographic growth is recovered due to immigration. The growth is caused by a new expanding economic period.
CONCLUSIONS 1.Jumilla maintains its population figures during the 20th Century due to a high emigration rate combined with natural growth. 2.The development pattern is the cause of this stagnation. 3 Similar municipalities following the same pattern have the same demographic figures. 4.Immigration is the main cause of growth over the last years.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Webs and sources: www. (Instituto nacional de Estadística) Atlas regional de la Región de Murcia Jumilla en cifras 2008 ( Consejería de Economía y Hacienda de la Región de Murcia)