Data Sharing With Health Partners Using the New Exchange Network Browser EN 2012 Conference
Everyone knows this map!
What about this one?
Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) The ongoing collection, integration, interpretation, and dissemination of data from environmental hazard monitoring, human exposure and health effects surveillance. CDC and States building a data sharing Network. Standardized information is shared and made available on the National and state/local public portals. Secure portals exist for non-public data. Some States provide content in addition to the nationally consistent data measures.
National Tracking Network Portal
The Nationally Consistent Data Measures on the Tracking Network Air Quality Asthma Birth Defects Cancer Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Childhood Lead Poisoning and Age of Housing Community Drinking Water Myocardial Infarctions (Heart Attacks) Vital Statistics/Reproductive Health Outcomes
New Jersey’s Portal
In addition to the National Data Measures, New Jersey shares Expanded Air Quality Monitoring Data Private Well Water Testing Results Site Cleanup Groundwater, Soil and Air Sampling Radon Monitoring Results Ambient Air Radiation Monitoring Data These flows were built to meet Exchange Network standards and are posted on the EN Website for reuse by any partner. So if you are an EPHT state or just want to share this data, the flows are available.
New Jersey DEP uses the Exchange Network Browser to share data with its health partner NJDEP makes all of its EPHT data available to its Health partner on the EN Browser so they can query and access data whenever they want it.
The Browser is a Shared Network tool built by EPA and ECOS to provide data discovery and access to Exchange Network flows Hopefully you saw Mike Matsko’s presentation on the Browser yesterday because we don’t have time to go over this now
Why use the Exchange Network Browser? Shared Network Tool – you don’t have to build or host anything! Just publish your data and it will be available to your data consumers – online in an easy to use tool. Opportunity for collaboration and data sharing among environmental and health partners – providing access to data for better decision making.
Utility of the EN Browser A Client Perspective Richard E. Opiekun, M.A., M.S., Ph.D. Environmental Public Health Tracking Program New Jersey Department of Health Exchange Network National Meeting, May 29-31, 2012, Philadelphia, PA
Greatest Innovations of the 21 st Century the “Happy Client” perspective The iPhone The EN Browser Hands-free glass holder Butter Stick
Original Methods of Data Exchange
Environmental Interest View
Current EN Browser Data Flows It’s more data than you can shake a stick at, sonny boy. … and more flows coming soon
Value of Using the EN Browser Data accessible from anywhere, anytime More data flows continually being developed Development of local linkage studies possible State-specific data flows available Private well testing data Site remediation data Radon Access to near real-time data as it comes in from labs (specific to certain data flows) Multiple data output formats available CSV, HTML, XML Data analysis tools available Air and drinking water data flows being considered by EPA for standard reporting Role-based access control
Three Easy Steps to Data Discovery (example from private well testing data flow) 1. Select data flow 2. Select service 3. Input query parameters Role-based access
Query Parameter Selection Convenient drop-down menus Free-text auto completing fields with help icon Direct select calendar input fields Query limit fields (service specific) Really obvious button to initiate query
Transaction Management (example from site specific data flow) Current query status Older queries result status Search result recall
Data Retrieval Options (standardized for all data flows) Download compressed XML file Choose from uncompressed XML, HTML or comma separated formats Re-run request with identical parameters (when query fails or boss misplaces the first file they requested…again) Recall current query parameters (because we’re having more and more “senior moments”)
Sample Site Specific Output
More Site Remediation Data
Private Well Testing Data Discovery
Select Private Well Analytes
Parameter Verification
Sample Private Well Test Result
Download and Processing … …the NJDHSS EPHT process Use IE to access EN Browser Build query and download.CSV file Convert.CSV file to Excel Workbook file Rename variables based upon project requirements Convert Excel Workbook to SAS dataset Format SAS dataset to conform to SAS program requirements Run analysis
Staging Table As Downloaded
Manipulated Staging Table
Data Analysis by Map Scalable map Numerous overlays
Data Analysis by Chart
The “Flow” of Ongoing Projects Examining the association of osteosarcoma with radium in CWS Trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene contamination found in CWS in relation to incidence of leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma A study to examine the association between pediatric ER visits with O 3 and PM 2.5, traffic metrics, and pollen
User Testimonial Happy User Leaving EN Browser Training Session Finally, a tool that will make data access convenient and simple for me and my staff. I love it. He gets all the attention.
Access the tool yourself at: Or while there is still time……
The Final Word Ease of interagency data exchange is key Gov. Chris Christie on resolving our problems with accessing data † †Well, he was either talking about our success with interagency data exchange or our economic woes. Thank you for coming to see our EN Browser demo, Mr. President. As soon as I heard about it I had to come right up.
For additional information Contact the presenters † or Node Administrator ‡ : †1 Sherry Driber: †2 Rick Opiekun: ‡1 Mike Matsko: Affiliations: 1-NJ Department of Environmental Protection; 2-NJ Department of Health and Senior Services