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Project Unit 1
Unit 1
1. Have you ever discussed your choice of career with your friends/parents/teachers? What advice did they give you? 2. Do you think your choice will suit you? How will you know if your have made a good and right choice? When choosing a career, it can be helpful to ask yourself questions about your interests and skills to help you decide what jobs would be most suitable for you.
A: The following is an Internet quiz. It identifies your skills and interests, and gives you a score to help you evaluate different career options. Lets do the quiz.
You can choose more than one answer. 1. I would rather__________. a. fix or mend things. b. solve maths problems. c. draw or paint. d. lead a group discussion. e. sell things or promote ideas. f. set up systems on a computer.
You can choose more than one answer. 2. I am __________. a. practical. b. curious about many things. c. creative. d. friendly. e. self-confident. f. well organized.
You can choose more than one answer. 3. For a hobby, I prefer_______. a. playing sports. b. reading books. c. taking photographs. d. watching sports. e. being in a debating society. f. collecting things.
You can choose more than one answer. 4. I like to __________. a. build things. b. do lab experiments. c. design things. d. play team sports. e. meet important and famous people. f. organize things.
You can choose more than one answer. 5. I can __________. a. operate tools and machines easily. b. use a computer easily. c. sing, act and dance well. d. work well with others. e. give good speeches. f. keep accurate records.
You can choose more than one answer. 6. I like to __________. a. be around animals. b. solve problems. c. use my imagination. d. work with people to help them. e. work with people to make money. f. work with data.
Now look at your answers and figure out how many times you have chosen a= b= c= d= e= f= The letters represent different types of people. Find the letter which you chose the most often and look at the description which corresponds with it below. This will tell you what type of person you are and what careers would probably best suit you. If there was no one letter clearly chosen most, look at the two most frequently chosen. Share the results with your partners in group of four to look at whether the final results are very different among different partners. Then read the next step together.
Now look at your answers and figure out how many times you have chosen a= b= c= d= e= f= Realistic( The doers) These people have practical or athletic abilities and prefer to work with objects, machines,plants and animals or to be outdoors. Suitable jobs include: bus driver, butcher, carpenter, chef, electrician, firefighter, jeweler, machine operator, plumber, sailor and tailor.
Now look at your answers and figure out how many times you have chosen a= b= c= d= e= f= Investigative ( The thinker) These people like to observe, learn, analyse, evaluate and solve problems. Suitable jobs include: biochemist, biologist chemist, dentist, engineer, geologist, mathematician and software engineer.
Now look at your answers and figure out how many times you have chosen a= b= c= d= e= f= Artistic ( The creators) These people have artistic, free thinking or intuitive abilities and like to work in free and open situations (without regular office hours ) using their imagination and creativity. Suitable jobs include: actor, architect, dancer, designer, hairdresser, fashion designer, photographer, theatre studies, music/language teacher and writer.
Now look at your answers and figure out how many times you have chosen a= b= c= d= e= f= Social (The helper) These people like to work with people to educate, inform, help, train or cure them. Suitable jobs include: librarian, nurse, police officer, flight attendant, teacher, therapist and trainer.
Now look at your answers and figure out how many times you have chosen a= b= c= d= e= f= Enterprising (The leader) These people take great pleasure in influencing, persuading, performing, leading or managing an organizations success. Suitable jobs include: computer operator, financial manager, hotel manager, journalist, lawyer, salesperson, shopkeeper, Travel agent and the premier of a country.
Now look at your answers and figure out how many times you have chosen a= b= c= d= e= f= Conventional ( The organizers) These people are talented in administration, like to work with data and can carry out tasks in detail or follow other peoples instructions. Suitable jobs include: accountant, cashier, clerk, customs inspector, secretary and telephone operator.
Questions asking yourself after you see what type of person you are and what careers would probably suit you best according to your quiz scores : 1.Compared to your former choice of job, do you think you have made a good decision? 2. Is there any other job that might be more suitable for you? If so, what is it?
Tell your partners your quiz scores and the final analysis. Then ask them to give some comments about your results and give you some advice and suggestions based on their understanding about your interests and personalities. 1.Are your partners results of the quiz accurate ? Why? 2. what other careers would be more suited to your partners?
B. You are going to write an essay about what career you want to have and how accurate you think the quiz is and why. Discuss the eight questions with your partners and then write an essay about future careers. 1.What ideas did you have about your career before you did the quiz? 2.What did you think about the quiz? 3.How did you feel about the result you got?
4.Do you think a person could be a mixture of more than one type? Why? 5.How accurate do you think the quiz was? Why? 6.What else can you do to find the most suitable career for you? 7.Do you need advice from your teachers, parents or friends? Why or why not? 8.How will you organize and plan the information in your essay?
Example : My career There are many jobs in the world. There are more popular jobs such as actors, singers and dancers; There are also unusual jobs like beer tasters and firework display designers. I wanted very much to be known and unusual. So I always meant to be an actor. But now I know that Im more fit to be a policeman after I did the job test because … Please go on!
Some groups to present their essays to the class and the other groups to give comments or raise questions.
1. Do Parts B1 and B2 on page 95 in workbook. 2. Read the article in Part A on page 101 in Workbook and then write a plan for your ideal careers.