GCSE RE Asking important questions about important life issues
RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Philosophy and Applied Ethics Religious Studies is NOT about learning what kinds of clothes people of different religions wear. It is NOT about being able to name the parts of a temple. It is NOT about learning how people pray. This is a course on philosophy and ethics.
RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Philosophy and Applied Ethics Philosophy = Trying to find out how the universe works. Ethics = Thinking about right and wrong and how to lead a good life. This course addresses the BIGGEST of life’s questions.
RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Philosophy and Applied Ethics We will do this through the study of Islam, Christianity and non-religious philosophies. We will evaluate other people’s answers to try and find, and justify, our own.
Ethics and Religion 0 Short Course GCSE 0 GCSE grade 0 Recognised by post – 16 centres, universities and employers 0 1 lesson a week 0 Ethics – issues of right and wrong 0 Different views including religious views 0 Your views 0 Topics: - Prejudice and Equality - Animal Rights - Abortion - War and use of violence
0 This is additional to your 4 choices 0 If you are interested in studying for the full course there is a box to tick on the Options Form 0 Opportunity to study further ethical or philosophical questions 0 Why is there suffering? 0 Is there life after death? 0 Is it right that some people are rich and other people do not have enough food to eat? Full Course GCSE