RT SOLD Application Overview
Patient Scheduling Snapshot views provide quick information, integrated from various sources to improve efficiencies.
Intake Questionnaires and Consent Forms Patient fills out an intake questionnaire and consents in clinic or, independently, through the patient portal. Color coded status before forms are completed Color coded status after forms are completed
Patient Intake Questionnaire Intelligent design: multilevel context-dependent questions which are configured to each practice’s needs.
Paperless Patient Consent Electronic signature taken at point of care.
Encounter Notes Referring provider notes as well as the billing note are integrated with the patient intake questionnaire for efficiency and accuracy by the software. Relevant data automatically populates the note.
Automated Radiation Therapy Checklist Cancer diagnosis drives paperless planning, decision making, record keeping and billing codes. Fields and data entry values default by cancer type for ease of use and to improve both quality and compliance.
Treatment Prescription Machine type drives treatment prescription attributes, such as modality and energy field size, for compliance and efficiency.
Treatment Treatment prescription values default into the treatment encounter for compliance. Daily dosages are automatically calculated saving the therapists and physicists valuable time. Only monitoring unit data field is available for therapist’s data entry in the field. All other information defaults from treatment prescription.