Authorized Dealer
Over 180 000 units installed in North America Authorized Dealer Geotab is a North American Company considered to be one of the top 3 enterprise solution providers in the location-based services industry. It began operations in 1996 and have has created a reputation for: End-to-end solutions - design through software Patented GPS recording system accurately captures trip distance, speed and events Engine diagnostics and sensor data Enterprise grade scalable software uses SQL Server Open architecture and SDK provided for easy 3rd party integration Software has been integrated with Trapeze Zones/geofences combined with exception events Access data – web hosted or on client network Driver specific as well as vehicle performance reporting Software that is simple to use with User-defined access to tools Microsoft Gold Certified Partners Design, Manufacture, Software & Support located in North America Sells almost exclusively through dealers such as STANMEX, INC. Over 180 000 units installed in North America As a platform, our solution is the choice of leaders: UPS, Pepsi Business Solutions Group/FritoLay, PHH Arval, Orkin Pest Control
Authorized Dealer Stanmex, Inc. has more than 25 years experience in Fleet Management Systems, design and manufacture of customized peripherals and Accident Reconstruction. Texas Corporation based in Houston Offices in Cleveland, OH, Mexico & about to open in San Salvador Clients include: police departments, hospitals & ambulance providers, transit companies, trucking companies, service companies, municipalities and school systems On site training as well as web-based training provided Dedicated to helping fleets: improve efficiency, reduce fuel and maintenance costs, comply with regulatory requirements, improve driver and public safety and improve public image.
GEOTAB Measures to Manage Time Maintain Miles Safety Fuel Green
Interpreting Events GPS (Date/Time/Locate/Traffic) Vehicle Health (voltage, seatbelt, engine) G Force (accel, hard brake, impact) 8 Inputs (directional, front door, stop arm) Garmin MDT (status (EVIR), canned messages, event) 5
Leaders Act on Measurement Platform Specifications GO4 Fleet Enterprise Platform GO5 June 2010 Leaders Act on Measurement Time
Trip View Options Virtual Earth: Street View OpenStreets Virtual Earth: Aerial View MapPoint Installed on desktop PC ESRI Maps
Locate Where vehicles parked last night
Zone Zone around Depot site enables reports on late departure and other events regarding vehicle use
Activity Summary Last weeks’ summary activity data
Risk Summary Report Last week’s risk management summary data
Unique Safe and Green Scorecard Driver Safe and Green Score report – for last week’s driving based for pilot vehicles. Below are the configurable weight factors that contribute to risk and green cost.
Set Expected Hours Work times set enable activity during and after hours to be monitored
Event Rules Combine Sensors Exception event reinforcing driver training surrounding speed and auxiliary switches (you can connect up to 8) – this examples is a event that would flag events where the door was open and the bus was driven faster than 5 mph for longer than 5 seconds
Exception Events Exception event wizard allows rules to be created and distributed by email or popup – shown is a rule that will display a windows popup to a dispatch user if bus fails to leave the depot
Exception Events
Event Distribution
Driver Interaction Geotab’s platform allows you to choose what vehicles and what driver interactive sound alerts will be activated. Alerts are activated over the air and can be enabled remotely. Idling, RPM, Braking and Speed are common
Engine Maintenance Features System connects to engine computer through the diagnostic port and records/reports all Engine Fault Codes and engine status information live. This gives invaluable information to maintenance personnel to analyze existing problems and prevent new ones.
Zones Flexibility Fully supported zones creation and summary report of time in each zone type (depot, school)
Standard Report Suite Standard driver and vehicle reports
Custom Reports Schedule Delivery In addition to standard reports, each report is unlocked to allow you to create and save your own report templates in MS Excel within the application. Your report templates are based on one of the data features with Geotab standard reports
Notification Rules Exception events and scheduled reminders are supported
Administration Tools A complete software support suite including user-specific login, security clearance and database management is included
User Defined Dashboards Shown is the new software release’s custom dashboards
GARMIN VALUE-ADDED The platform has been Garmin authorized for dispatch messages/status update by drivers
Mobile Field Management Supervision Mobile Field Management New mobile application in June/July launch will allow smartphone with internet browsers to access activity
Payback Worksheet Geotab customers have been positively impacted by reducing costs of operation in the short term – engine idling, reduction in self-insured claims, fleet operating costs and mileage reduction for fuel and mileage-related savings. These savings often conservatively present a 2 ½ to 1 savings to cost benefit. For every $1 invested monthly, a realized $2.50 is returned. In addition, strategic savings in asset balancing, customer profitability, employee allocation are achievable. While focusing on cost reduction and return on investment, the technology enables revenue growth through greater profitability of employees time. One Geotab customer has increased revenue by 50% without increasing the number of assets or employees of the company. More strategic use of the data for government compliance or for data integration with third party applications is another key use of the Geotab system by customers.
Set Fleet Objectives Health-based Maintenance, keep mileage records on all assets Reduce PMs to longer distance and consumable maintenance based on oil/coolant condition Remote vehicle diagnostics Centrally schedule vehicles located anywhere for maintenance based on vehicle faults or health condition Reduce spare vehicles – lights, straights, trucks & trailers Less than 1% spares Validate or challenge vehicle repairs under warranty Focus on fuel savings and fuel efficiency Focus on carbon footprint
Contact Us For More Information Authorized Dealer Contact Us For More Information Mailing Address: 14320 Interdrive E. Houston, TX 77332 Authorized Dealer Contact Phone: (440) 842-7168 (281) 227-1561 Facsimile 1-416-352-7432