A CT IV (D AY T WO ) A GENDA : Bell Ringer Grammar Advisory Lesson (if needed) Finish storyboard activity Reading: Act IV iv-v Act IV Quiz Film Comparison Advanced – Assign Project!
B ELL R INGER #3: (A) 2/23 & (B) 2/24 Define DRAMATIC IRONY. Explain ONE example of dramatic irony. You can describe an example from Romeo and Juliet or another text we have studied in class. You may also use an example from a text you have read or seen on your own.
Grammar How to Use a Colon A COLON IS USED TO INTRODUCE A LIST. E XAMPLE : W HEN YOU GO TO THE EXAM, TAKE THESE ITEMS : PAPER, PENCIL, AND AN ERASER. After a salutation A colon may be used after the salutation of a business letter. Examples: Dear Ms. Davidson: Dear Mr. Johnson: After a salutation A colon may be used after the salutation of a business letter. Examples: Dear Ms. Davidson: Dear Mr. Johnson: Between numbers in time A colon is used between the parts of a number which indicates time. Examples: The race begins at 1:30 P.M. The train will arrive at 6:42 P.M. As a formal introduction A colon may be used to introduce an important quotation in a serious report, essay, or news story. Example: President Lincoln concluded the Gettysburg Address with these famous words: ''.....a government of the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.''
G RAMMAR H OW TO U SE A C OLON The most important thing to remember about colons is that you only use them after statements that are complete sentences. Never use a colon after a sentence fragment. For example, it's correct to say, “Jamie Lynn has two favorite hobbies: watching clouds and seeing how long she can stand on one foot." That's correct because “ Jamie Lynn has two favorite hobbies" is a complete sentence all by itself. The most important thing to remember about colons is that you only use them after statements that are complete sentences. Never use a colon after a sentence fragment. For example, it's correct to say, “Jamie Lynn has two favorite hobbies: watching clouds and seeing how long she can stand on one foot." That's correct because “ Jamie Lynn has two favorite hobbies" is a complete sentence all by itself.
G RAMMAR #3: C OLON P RACTICE D IRECTIONS : C HOOSE IF EACH SENTENCE IS PUNCTUATED CORRECTLY OR INCORRECTLY. 1. Motorcycles are used for the following reasons: transportation, recreation, and racing events. 2. I'll tell you what I'm going to do: I'm going to quit! 3. You will need to bring three things to the party, food, drink, and a gift for the hostess. 4. My brother likes oranges: my sister hates them. 5. The daily newspaper contains four sections; news, sports, entertainment, and classified ads.
R EVIEW D RAMATIC IRONY : E XPLAIN HOW EACH OF THE FOLLOWING ARE EXAMPLES OF DRAMATIC IRONY – BE SURE TO J USTIFY YOUR ANSWER ! 1. Act IV, Scene i (Friar asking Paris to leave) Friar : My lord, we must entreat the time alone. Paris : God shield I should disturb devotion!/ Juliet, on Thursday early will I rouse ye. 2. Act IV, Scene ii (Juliet has told her father she will marry Paris) Capulet : My heart is wondrous light,/ Since this same wayward girl is so reclaimed. 3. Act IV, Scene iii (Juliet prepares for bed) Lady Capulet : What are you busy, ho? Need you my help? Juliet : No, madam; we have culled such necessaries/ As are behoveful for our state tomorrow. ………………. Lady Capulet : Good night./ Get thee to bed, and rest: for thou hast need.
A CT IV: S CENES F OUR AND F IVE Parts: the Nurse, Lord Capulet, Lady Capulet, Friar Laurence, and Paris 1. Make a prediction about Juliet’s plan. What do you believe will go wrong with it? 2. Describe or draw the setting of scene iv. What details can you add? 3. Describe at least TWO characters’ reaction to finding Juliet. 4. What does Friar Laurence encourage the family to do? Explain why he does this. 5. With only one Act left, what must happen to the play’s plot to end the drama? Make a prediction as to what will have next.