TECH POINT ELEARNING TRAINING Overview of Components and Suggested Activities March 2011
The following slides pull together key information about TECH POINTS eLearning training resources and possible ways that Pathfinder Associates may be able to work with you to enhance
PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES The following slides pull together key information about TECH POINTS eLearning training resources to and possible ways that Pathfinder Associates may be able to work with you to enhance Pathfinder Associates would like to work with interested TACE Centers to enhance your capacity to provide training and technical assistance to agencies and programs in your region. TECH POINTS online eLearning training resources and strategies help vocational rehabilitation staffs better use rehabilitation technology to reach successful employment outcomes. The following information briefly discusses suggested training components and strategies.
SUGGESTED APPROACH The TECH POINT eLearning modules are self-contained training resources that can be used in a variety of ways. They can be used independently or as part of the following components and activities to achieve maximum impact: 1.Introductory Training Workshop 2.Online TECH POINT eLearning Follow-up 3.Discussion Forums 4.Summary and Analysis 4
PART 1: INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP Optional half or full day workshop or seminar Provides overall look at use of rehabilitation technology resources/services Emphasis on relationship of technology resources and services and employment outcomes Involvement of key technology providers in the state/area suggested Small group activities and case study scenarios emphasize problem solving and role of counselor Workshop explains follow-up training and activities 5
PART 2: TECH POINT – ONLINE ELEARNING MODULES Introduction to TECH POINTS Seven individual TECH POINT modules TP1Referral Application TP2 Assessment/Evaluation TP3Plan Development TP4Planned Services TP5Placement TP6Tracking and Documentation TP7 Post-Employment 6
TECH POINT MODULES Pathfinder Associates can develop a customized set of TECH POINT modules with your format and logo for use with agencies and programs in your region Modules include frequently asked questions (FAQ); information resources and materials to download; national and regional resources and information; and contact information Self-paced modules take 16 to 25 minutes to complete. Each module contains a quiz with learner feedback 7
OPTIONS FOR DELIVERING TRAINING MODULES TECH POINT modules can be housed on your server or through Pathfinder Associates Training modules can be published to work with Blackboard and other learning management software (LMS) Suggestion is to concurrently schedule a module and discussion board approximately 2-4 weeks apart TECH POINT modules can also be used as component of new staff orientation 8
PART 3: DISCUSSION FORUM Discussion forum provides opportunity for staff to interact, address challenges/issues and exchange information Pathfinder Associates can moderate discussion forums to coincide with each online module Moderator and participants can post questions or scenarios to address specific issues/needs Technology providers from state/area can be invited as “guest experts” 9
PART 3: OTHER OPTIONS Webinars addressing specific topics/issues could be considered as alternative or supplement for discussion forums Suggestion is to consider webinar for future training option to follow-up on specific needs/issues that are identified Pathfinder Associates can organize and present webinars on selected topics/issues 10
PART 4: TRAINING SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS Pathfinder Associates would summarize and analyze participant comments and feedback TACE can share information with agencies and programs to assist with strategic planning to address technology-related needs Analysis could help to identify need/content for possible webinar or other follow-up activities 11
SUPPORT AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Pathfinder Associates can provide ongoing technical support as needed to help in: Fielding technology-related questions/issues Facilitating/moderating discussion forums Developing follow-up webinar activities Working with agencies/programs on requests such as incorporating TECH POINT reminders into case management system 12
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: INCENTIVES CEU credit for completion of the eLearning modules and participation on the discussion boards is suggested Successful completion of quiz for each TP module (80% correct; multiple attempts allowed) Minimum number of two posts to the DB could be manually confirmed by facilitator/moderator Providing a Certificate of Completion is suggested 13
SUMMARY We hope that this information was helpful in highlighting possible ways that Pathfinder Associates may be able to partner with you. Contact Pathfinder Associates with questions about the TECH POINT eLearning modules or any aspect of the suggested four-part training approach. Tony Langton – 14