Remember the good old times ?
.NET 2.0 ...2.3 Master Sidexis 1.6 Patch 2.22 SQL Server Galaxis ODBC XP Pro SP2
Windows XP Pro operating system with all current bug fixes Windows XP Pro operating system with all current bug fixes. Service Packs are essentially Bug Fixes. A good admin will keep Windows on the newest version but it is good to have SP2 on your stick… Any modern PM system will need XP Pro SP2. ( Eaglesoft, Dentrix, Dolphin…) (This is the ONLY prerequisite for Sidexis). XP Pro SP2 An expansion of internal functionality that make life easier for programmers because they rely less on hardware features. Can be downloaded from Microsoft or will be installed during Sidexis (SQL) install. Required 2.0, newest Version 3.0 Again, most modern programs will need this add-on. (Galileos). .NET 2.0
Master\Central Station Client Workstation
where images can be taken Master Station - Myth Buster Has nothing to do with where PDATA is located ==> Has nothing to do with where SQL is located ==> Has nothing to do with where images can be taken ==> Has nothing to do with from where system settings can be changed ==>
Master Station ==> ==> It is by default the first workstation that was installed (just because nobody knows if there will be any client at all) ==> ==> In the future will be responsible for future updates. This is the ONLY difference !!!
Master Station Client ! Unless you are doing some upgrades to Sidexis 2.4 or 2.5 in the far future, there is no difference in functionality between Master and Clients. In fact, in ten seconds you can switch any station to be a Master. (Without any gain, for now). !
Sidexis XG 1.61 and higher Sidexis with “active” SQL database Patch 2.22 ...2.2 Sidexis 1.61 Sidexis XG 1.53 - 1.54 “old Style” Sidexis with “passive” Access database Sidexis XG 1.61 and higher Sidexis with “active” SQL database Sidexis XG 2.0 and higher Sidexis with “active” SQL database and 3D support Sidexis XG 2.22 patch and higher Sidexis with “active” SQL database, 3D and XIOS support
ODBC ODBC: (Open Database Connectivity) Is basically a driver that can be found in all Windows systems. It provides a uniform interface for different databases like Access or SQL The ODBC manager only contains “pointers” to databases, not the database itself. (pointers can be deleted or created without affecting the database itself).
Both locations are TOTALLY independent from each other Database engine: Data location: SQL = Patient list PDATA = Images Both locations are TOTALLY independent from each other
SQL Server - Gotcha: The Backup of a SQL server needs special attention: The files cannot be “just copied” to another drive. Backup systems normally provide tools for SQL – Backup. Sirona provides a tool NGSQLBackup to facilitate the above “just copy” problem by making snapshots file of the database.
Security, Rights & Install issues Log in as administrator during install ! Turn off firewalls and virus scanner during install ! Check Windows version before start of the setup ! Make sure that all users that will be using the system are known to all PCs with the correct (same) password. Domain -> automatically the case, still there can be different rights for different users. Work group -> Every user has to be entered into every computer with appropriate profile: The use of “no passwords” is discouraged ! You are asking for HIPAA but have no passwords ??? If you are asked for any passwords during install or have to map drives, something is wrong already!