Namaskar 你好 Liberalisation of Telecoms Economic & Social Impacts By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Chairman: Pragna Bharati (intellect India ) Former: Chairman & Managing Director Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited & Information Technology Advisor, Government of Andhra Pradesh T: +91(40) / (O) ® F: +91 (40) , Beijing University, Beijing, China on Thursday, the 18 th Oct 2007
THC_CTMSS3602 Economic Impact (1) Prices fell by 90% and are still falling adding to India’s competitiveness India’s global (mainly US, Europe, Australia, Japan) broadband increased enormously & extended inland to II tier towns Thousands of BPO; KPO; ITeS & e-Media Businesses are born
THC_CTMSS3603 Economic Impact (2) Job Opportunities for the hitherto educated unemployed increased fantabulously – well paid [10 times the per capita income] Over 2.0 mln engaged growing 20/25% p.a. Huge demand for University education-[to go up from < 8% to 15% in 11 th plan
THC_CTMSS3604 Economic Impact (3) Exports of IT; ITeS; BPO, KPO growing by 30% p.a.; would go up from $ 40.0 bln in 2007 to $ 60 bln in 2010 Indian employees of foreign companies (IBM, GE, EDS, Deloitte, Cap Gemini, CSC, Accenture...) are tens of thousands Indian companies are recruiting foreign talents- Global bench-marking of talent to sensitise Indians to Excellency Indian companies are acquiring BPOs in EU; US; Hungary; Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam...
THC_CTMSS3605 Intellectual Impact (4) Intellectual property created by Indian professionals (R&D) for foreign companies (Huawi, Motorola, Lucent, QUALCOM, CIT-Alcatel, Ericsson, Nokia Indians breaking out to launch their companies – products (Chip design embedded s/w; GPS/GIS;....) Foreign Universities enter India; Domestic companies became aware of quality 175,000 Indian studetns are studying in foreign Universities (USA, Australia, UK, Singapore, Germany, Sweden,....)
THC_CTMSS3606 Social Impact (1) Islands of highly paid boys and girls Money (emoluments) as driver/motivator Individualistic uncaring for family/Relations De-Indianised, culturally alienated (Indian only in colour & blood but Americanised.
THC_CTMSS3607 Social Impact (2) Vulgarity among the young increases –Cell-phone talk while walking –Cell phone talk in lifts & while driving –Cell phone talk in waiting halls of airports, rail- stations; buses and trains –Cell phone talk by husband & wife during morning walk –Cell phones on in auditoriums, cinema hall, classroom
THC_CTMSS3608 Social Impact (3) Virginity no longer a virtue Divorces going up [9 times in Delhi; 2 times in Chennai, Kolkata – 30% of divorce filings by women] First Marriage is a “trial Marriage”! Children wanted late or not at all Children’s nurture not at home but entirely in School [from age 3 to 18] – literature, history, ethics neglected Modesty, thrift, scholarship, fine arts are de-valued Rights, rights for everything but no duties Self-centeredness (party because of ½ child choice)
THC_CTMSS3609 Social Impact (4) Wife-Husband tending toward nominal/notional relationship Old parent care crumbling High-spending consumerism Flats, supermarkets, “International” Schools (expensive) boom; Health Care, Insurance, Retail, tourism, Eateries, autos boom, boom Migration of the highly talented going up
THC_CTMSS36010 Social Impact (5) Subversives-globally funded transnational conversion enterprises inveigle the poor (US jobs, emigration) Rich-poor gap increasing Politicians compete to “tax the rich”; feed the poor to breed voters [7 to 15 children].... Welfare without work; Welfare before wealth creation Little/no effort for education for all Government schools avoided even by the poor as there is no teaching/ education/learning
THC_CTMSS36011 Social Impact (6) Disruptive, competitive populism Co-existent, highly aspiring, enterprises, achieving young Good & Evil battling i) “Deficiency of leaders with noble minds” – Dr APJ Abdul Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, President of India ( )
THC_CTMSS36012 Social Impact (7) Idiotisation of the young (and old too) by > 250 TV channels, 24 hrs/day showing trash Igniting the intelligence & Inquisitiveness of the young-neglected Coarseness of behaviour, deportment Fraud, fake, violence on the increase
THC_CTMSS36013 Social Impact (8) Net Abuse (1) ( Pioneer) Social networking sites eg. ORKUT Cyber Space coined by William Gibson in 1984 in his box Neuromancer Netizens- Online Community; has millions of groups Social networking sites eg ORKUT. The top 10 sites had a 47% growth in Membership in
THC_CTMSS36014 Social Impact (9) Net Abuse (2) ( Pioneer) Cyber crimes are easier than terrestrial crimes –Are easy to learn how to commit –Require few resources relative to potential damage –Can be committed in a jurisdiction w/o being physically present in it –Are often not clearly illegal –India has the 3 rd largest ORKUT population in the world [after Brazil & USA] –In Y2006 Mumbai High Court proceeded against one social networking site for allowing hate campaign against India; another against one religion etc
THC_CTMSS36015 Social Impact (10) Net Abuse (3) ( Pioneer) –ORKUT is India’s most visited Portal –Can find long lost childhood friend (s) –Evil acts like Photo-morphing that led to depressed girls A rave party in Pune (indecent) Leading to deterioration of morals in society
THC_CTMSS36016 Social Impact (11) Correctives Bhakti-Devotional Channels coming up Yoga being promoted Hindu Pundits, sages, sadhus (holymen) moving out of cloisters Companies Educational/Counselling programs Social projects – especially by the top ten (Satyam, Infosys, TCS, Wipro...) IT companies; emulated by bio-tech companies like Dr Reddy’s Labs – a biotech company
THC_CTMSS36017 Dhanyawad: Thank You