Transitional Kindergarten Preparing Our Youngest Students to Succeed in Kindergarten
Welcome! Introduce yourself to your table partners. At your table, how many years experience do you have combined as pre-k/kinder teachers? Write any questions that you hope will be answered today. (One question per post-it.) Share what you love most about teaching kindergarten. Time: 10 minutes for introductions (8:10-8:20) Report out total years of experience per table One burning question from your table. Have a table rep post the post-its on The Burning Questions Chart.
Today’s Outcomes Understand the purpose behind TK Learn about instructional expectations for TK students and resources to support instruction Develop solutions to manage a split TK/K class that meets the needs of all students Time: 1 min (8:20-8:21) The goal for today is that teachers will…
Kindergarten Readiness What skills (social and academic) should a child have to demonstrate kindergarten readiness? Kinder Readiness Time: 9 min (8:21-8:30) Materials: paper at tables for circle map creation Chart paper for Class circle map HO#1 Kindergarten Readiness Skills We all know there are skills students should come to school with to better support their success in kindergarten. (We also know that not all students come with these skills.) What are these skills that prepare students to be successful in a formal academic instructional arena? Table talk: 3 min -You will have 3 minutes to create a table circle map. Chart: 3 min - Tables make circle map Share out: 2 min -Go around the room taking one social and one academic kinder readiness skill from each table. Make a Class Circle Map. (They have HO#1 with a list of typical K Readiness skills.) The goal of TK is to build kindergarten readiness skills in order to assure students are able to meet the the kindergarten Common Core and CA content standards.
What is Transitional Kindergarten? An early childhood education program Builds a bridge between preschool and traditional Kindergarten Has a focus on literacy and numeracy along with strong emphasis on self-regulation and social engagement Time: 1 min (8:30-8:31) TK builds necessary social and academic skills for success throughout their school career. Emphasis on social and language skills. Language development, in student’s first language and in English, is a critical aspect for literacy development and success in school.
Where does it come from? Kindergarten Readiness Act of 2010 Senate Bill No. 1381 amended to change the required birthday for admission to kindergarten and first grade and establish a Transitional Kindergarten program beginning in the 2012-2013 school year. Time: 1 min (8:31-8:32) Need for the bill: In most states, children must turn five by Sept. 1st in order to start kindergarten. California is one of 4 states that allows children as young as four years and nine months to start kindergarten as long as the child turns five by Dec. 2nd. 2. Research indicates that beginning kindergarten at an older age improves children’s social and academic development. A 2005 study by the Rand Corporation found a “significant boost” to test scores, especially for children from low-income families. 3. Children who are older when they start kinder tend to perform better on standardized tests Research suggest changing the kinder start date may lead to positive student outcomes, including less change of grade retention and higher earnings as an adult. Source: Senator Simitian fact sheet: SB 1381 Kindergarten Entry Age
Why SB 1381? “Today’s kindergarten classroom is a much different place than most of us experienced. We’re placing real academic demands on our kids, and the youngest are struggling to keep up. The evidence shows that giving these younger kindergarteners an extra year can make a big difference in heir long-term success.” - Senator Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto) Time: 1 min (8:32-8:33) Read the slide, sharing the sentiments of many families who have young children and would like to have this option.
Kindergarten Entry Age A child shall be admitted to kindergarten if the child will have his/her fifth birthday on or before… For the 2011-12 school year the date is December 2nd For the 2012-13 school year the date is November 1st For the 2013-14 school year the date is October 1st For the 2014-15 school year and each school year thereafter the date is September 1st Time: 1 min (8:33-8:34) Clarifying the K entry age and year By Sept 1st 2014, children will have to be 5 to enter K.
Transitional Kindergarten Students Time: 1 min (8:34-8:35) This graphic shows a typical portion of the TK student population in a class. The TK student population comes from the current K population at the school. By 2014, TK children will be those children who turn 5 between Sept. 2nd and December 2nd. The TK children come from your K student population Presented by Preschool California Page 6
More specifics about TK It is the first year of a two year kindergarten program. It follows the full day schedule of Traditional kindergarten. It is based on the California Kindergarten Common Core State Standards and California Content Standards. It provides a modified kindergarten curriculum that is both age and developmentally appropriate. Time: 2 min (8:35-8:37) Some more logistics about TK Last bullet: “modified curriculum” means teachers will use their current K curriculum materials and modify instruction considering the needs and goals for TK students. We will dig-in to a resource today that defines those pre-K skills aligned to the K standards so you will be able to design appropriate instructional modifications. (Teachers will not receive any additional materials specific for a TK curriculum.) The Goal: to create students who will be ready for and successful in Kinder
Teaching and Learning in TK Provides an opportunity to learn important academic and social skills in a hands-on way that supports their development. Emphasis is placed on oral language skills and integrated experiences across the content areas. Partner Share: Think about your past kindergarteners who struggled. If you had had more time to ensure their success in kindergarten, what might you have done differently? Time: 4 min (8:37-8:41) After addressing the two bullets, refer back to the circle map of what those important social and academic skills are. Click for question: Think about your past kindergarteners who struggled. If you had had more time to ensure their success in kindergarten, what might you have done differently? With an elbow partner, brainstorm ideas on how you might teach these social and academic skills in a hands-on, integrated way. (3 min for partner talk) Let’s consider some instructional methods that some of you may have already discussed. (See the next 4 slides)
The How: When teaching TK, consider DAP Developmentally Appropriate Practices Age appropriate Individually appropriate Culturally appropriate TIME: 3 minutes (8:41-8:44) Materials: HO#2 DAP= Developmentally Appropriate Practices Refer participants to DAP handout #2 Click: Age Appropriateness: is based on human development research which indicates that there are universal, predictable sequences of growth and change that occur in children during the first nine years of life. These predictable changes occur in all domains of development - physical, emotional, social, and cognitive. Knowledge of typical development of children within the age span provides a framework from which teachers prepare the learning environment and plan appropriate experiences. Individual appropriateness: recognizes that each child is a unique person with an individual pattern and timing of growth, as well as an individual personality, learning style, and family background. Cultural appropriateness: recognizes the importance of the knowledge of the social and cultural contexts in which children live to ensure that learning experiences are meaningful, relevant, and respectful for the children and their families. We all make initial assumptions about a person’s cultural background upon sight, but we must not stick to those assumptions. This requires that teachers talk with the student, talk with the parents/guardians. What does the child bring? This goes deeper than just ethnicity but also home background. Developmentally Appropriate in Pre-K/TK is determined by the student, what s/he is ready to learn and in a manner that engages them completely. A young child is most ready and willing to learn when it’s play.
The How: Meeting TK/K Needs Groupings – small flexible groups Shorter blocks of time Intentional interest areas/centers Flexibility of schedule TIME: 2 min (8:44-8:46) Facilitator will invite participants to look at the same schedule but in terms of how TK is different. Focus on groups being flexible and different numbers of children (1-1, 2,3,4,up to 8) – that they can be grouped by need and don’t always stay together in a larger grouping. Shorter periods of time spent listening and more time to move and be active learners. Intentionally planned and prepared interest areas/centers will support the focus and purpose of lessons so that students can practice their learning, and learn how to work independently. 4. Flexibility of the schedule allows for content areas to be taught at various times of the day.
The How: Classroom Environment Sets the stage for active and engaged learning Warm, welcoming and inclusive of all students Safe, organized, and has clear pathways for movement Time: 2 min (8:46-8:48)
Teacher sets up the environment to engage interests. Teacher and students learn from each other. Time: 2 min (8:48-8:50) (After viewing the past 4 slides) So you may be thinking you already do this. You may be wondering, how is this different from what you already do for kindergarten students? The difference is in the expectations of student outcomes and how instruction is delivered. Teacher provides opportunities to facilitate conversations around interesting topics.
TK Resources Social Emotional Development Language and Literacy English Language Development Mathematics Time: 1 min (8:50-8:51) Two resources that support the planning for the what and the how are the Preschool Learning Foundations and the Preschool Curriculum Framework. The Foundations provide the what (a comparison you can make is to what of kinder: the standards) and the Framework provides the how. The two go hand in hand and Volume 1 addresses: Social Emotional Development, Language and Literacy, English Language Development, Mathematics These resources address the developmental expectations and instructional strategies for children at 48 months and 60 months of age. Our TK students fall in this category.
TK Resources “…this framework presents strategies and information to enrich learning and development opportunities for all of California’s preschool children.” Time: 2 min (8:51-8:53) Materials: Preschool Curriculum Framework Let’s open up our Framework. The Framework (and Foundations) was developed under our former State Superintendent Jack O’Connell. Turn to page v. to highlight the quote. The message from Mr. O’Connell offers an explanation to the design and the information provided in this resource.
Overarching Principles What point(s) did you find particularly striking and why? What connections did you make? What questions do you have? Time: 25 min (8:55 -9:20) Materials: Preschool Curriculum Framework The overarching principles are founded on research. They are the bases for the instructional strategies offered in this framework for teaching young children. Let’s turn to page 5 in the introduction to find them. Jigsaw: Number each bullet 1-8 Count off at your table 1-8. (If there are less than 8 people at your table some of you will get an extra number.) Read the principle that correlates to the number you called out. Be prepared to share with your table some key points about the principle. Take a couple of minutes to read your principle(s) and then share. After each person has shared, discuss connections you made, points that were particularly important, or questions you may have as you learned about the principles.
BREAK See you in 20! 9:20- 9:40
What is a TK modified curriculum based on? Time: 2 min (9:42-9:44) Transitional kindergarten is a program blending preschool and kindergarten standards with high expectations. It is based on the Preschool Foundations, making a bridge to success in kindergarten and beyond by having the gift of time. Vs Traditional kindergarten has the expectation of mastery of the K standards.
The What: Foundations & Standards PLF describes the knowledge and skills that all young children typically exhibit when attending a high-quality program at or around 48 and 60 months of age. Kindergarten standards address grade level expectations regardless of age. Time: 1 min (9:44-9:45) Consider Language, Social Skills, motor skills PLF speaks to ages at or around 48 months and 60 months of age. It address a young child on a progression with the understanding that there is much variance in the areas of development. The foundations are meant to give teachers a general idea of what is typically expected from children at around 48 or 60 months of age and are not intended to set limits on the way teachers support children’s learning at different times. Kinder addresses grade level goals or standards expected to be met by the end of the grade. No exceptions.
The What: The Preschool Learning Foundations Volume 1 Social Emotional Language and Literacy English Language Development Mathematics Time: 1 min (9:45-9:46) There are 4 domains in volume 1: social emotional, language and literacy, English Language Development, and Mathematics (Vol. 2 covers Visual and Performing Arts, Physical Development, and Health. Vol. 3 addresses History/Social Science and Science.) What we have provided you with is the alignment document of the Preschool Learning Foundations with the CCSS and CA Content Standards. (Have participants take the alignment doc out. This document has been put out by CDE. Much more comprehensive document that also aligns, Early Ed and Head Start, we have pulled out just the alignment between preschool foundations and CCSS/CA Content Standards. Let’s take a look at how this resource can support you in designing modifications for TK children.
The What: Dive in to the Foundations/Standards Domain Strand Substrand #.0 Foundation Time: 10 min (9:46-9:56) Materials: Alignment Document What we have provided you with is the alignment document of the Preschool Learning Foundations with the CCSS and CA Content Standards. This document has been put out by CDE. Much more comprehensive document that also aligns, Early Ed and Head Start, we have pulled out just the alignment between preschool foundations and CCSS/CA Content Standards. This resource can support you in designing modifications for TK children, but first we’ll take a look at the structure of the doc so you can understand how it works. (Have participants take the alignment doc out.) There is a table of contents and an informational page with LAUSD recommendations about TK. Take a moment to skim this page. There are 9 domains (The 9 from the PLF. Each domain has its own tab.) (1) Social Emotional, (2) Language and Literacy, (3) English Language Development, (4) Mathematics, (5) Visual and Performing Arts, (6) Physical Development, (7) Health, (8) History/Social Science, and (9) Science
The What: Dive in to the Foundations/Standards Time: 20 min (9:56-10:16) Materials: Alignment document Let’s take a look to see how the K standards build upon the Foundations. Turn to the Language and Literacy Tab Find the Reading Strand Go to 4.0 Substrand of Comprehension and Analysis but make sure you find the CCSS Reading Standards for Informational Text (numbered as p.46) Let’s consider, What are the differences between K, 60 months, and 48 months. Highlight verbs and the K specific differences in expectations 48 months: Demonstrated knowledge 60 months: Use information K: (1) Ask and Answer, (2) Retell, (3) Describe the connection (12 min) Take a moment to go through other Domains and their Foundations/Standards to highlight and consider the differences between the expectations between a TK and K student. (5 min) Share out any findings you made, discussion points that came out, questions you have Identify the differences between 48 months, 60 months, and K standards on your alignment doc.
The What: Designing Instruction for TK/K Combo Consider how you might teach a whole group lesson meeting the needs of both TK and K. Keep in mind: The Foundations/Standards The Overarching Principles Time: 25 min (10:16-10:41) Materials: Treasures HO, Alignment document, blank paper for note-taking Math HO# 3 Now that you’ve had a chance to study the differences in expectations for a 60 month young child and a K student, let’s think about how you would go about designing instruction that meets the needs of both groups. We know there will be times where you will have to teach whole group. How would you plan for that? Consider what you’ve learned so far from the alignment doc and the overarching principles from the Preschool Framework. ADD- Considerations: CCSS training- multiple reads with K and maybe not TK, allowing TK opp for more center time/small group focus on their particular developmental needs? Big focus on Language Development- connection to CCSS? We have provided a copy of a lesson from Unit 3 Week 2 Treasures for you to work with a partner. (Refer them back to numbered p. 46 of the Language and Literacy Tab in the alignment doc.) What standard(s) would you be teaching? What modifications would you make with the what and the how? (You will have 12 min.) Share out: Get up and find someone from across the room to share your thoughts about how you would teach supporting the development of both groups. Share how the two groups of students would demonstrate growth toward their PLF/Standard expectation. (8 min) Whole group share out: any good ideas come out? (3 min) Refer participants to Math handout #3: Ideas to Enhance & Differentiate K Curricular Resources for TK Math was able to develop some ideas by Topic with strategies for supporting TK children within their curriculum. This document can be found online on the TK website, which is currently being housed under Literacy/Language Arts. Online you will be able to click on links to BLMs and/or pictures of the materials or activity.
The How: Preschool Curriculum Framework After you have completed the handout, take a moment to read/skim through different features of the book to better understand what each component offers. Time: 30 min ELA Coordinator to do (Rm. A, 10:41-11:11) OR (Rm. B, 11:20-11:50) Materials: HO#4 Framework Book Walk Going on a book walk and going a little deeper into the Preschool Curriculum Framework to better understand the structure of this resource and how it can support teachers with the how of curriculum lesson design. This book is a companion document to the PLF with a direct match to the domains in the PLF vol. 1. We already took a look at former California Superintendent’s, Jack O’Connell’s, message and the framework’s guiding principles in chapter 1. Now we are going to take a moment to tab our book and go over the Book Walk handout to help us understand what this book offers. Refer to HO #4. 20 min to complete HO#4 and peruse. Share out: As you examined the framework, was there anything that stood out to you? What kind of information does Bringing it All Together offer? What did you think of the Questions for Reflection? (good for facilitating their own grade level meetings) Turn to p. 88 Map of the Foundations. As you can see it explains the structure of the Foundations which you have in your alignment doc. I just wanted to highlight the one thing that is missing from your alignment document and that is the Examples portion. This can be a very helpful piece of information. These Examples are illustrations of what the child might do to demonstrate application of the foundation skill.
Learning Centers and Universal Access “During play, children maximize their attention span... Play not only provides the context for thinking, building knowledge, being attentive, solving problems, and increasing social skills, it also helps children to integrate their emotional experiences and internalize guidance from their teachers.” Preschool Curriculum Framework, Overarching Priniciples Time: 7 min. (Rm. A, 11:11-11:18) OR (Rm. B, 10:41-10:48) Say: We know that young children learn new concepts when they are developmentally ready to learn them. The PLF provides us with a time frame of when children are typically ready, but it is only the individual child who determines when s/he is ready to learn a new concept. A teacher can advance a child’s readiness by creating playful learning opportunities that are culturally responsive. Have participants choral read the slide. Ask: How can you/do you provide learning opportunities viewed as “play” that allow children to develop the Foundations/Standards and build the skills listed? Give a concrete example 3 min to partner talk. Take one or two hands and have participants not only tell you how the activity/center builds knowledge but also promotes the listed skills.
Interest Areas Centers Library /Reading Area Listening Area Writing Area Computer Area Science Discovery Area Math Area Block Area Dramatic Play Area Sand and Water Area Art/Painting Area Time: 2 min (Rm. A, 11:18-11:20) OR (Rm. B, 10:48-10:50) Permanent centers and changing the focus within each Permanent centers and changing the focus within each is a way to meet the different instructional domains and the specific foundations/standards under each.
TK Classroom Field Trip Time: 30 min (Rm. A, 11:20-11:50) OR (Rm. B, 10:50-11:20) A TK teacher from the hosting school site has graciously opened her room for us to see. We will have the opportunity to take a look at what a TK room environment for ideas as well as ask questions you may have to a teacher who taught TK last year.
LUNCH Raffle tickets will be awarded for those who return on time. Have a nice lunch. Thank you! 11:50-12:50 Show sample raffle item. See you in an hour
Learning Centers and Universal Access With the use of the alignment document, consider how one learning center can support development of both the a Preschool Foundation skill and a Kindergarten Standard skill. How am I supporting Language Development Opportunities and Social Skill Development? Time: 60 min. (12:50-1:50) Materials: Learning Center doc Learning Center Resource Walk: (5 min) In an effort to support your work, LAUSD has begun a resource document to help you create easy to assemble centers that develop students’ knowledge of a foundation. This document was created with the Preschool Learning Foundations in mind. As you can see (pointing to the left hand column) each substrand (which is bolded) in the domains of Language and Literacy, Mathematics, and the Social Emotional has been addressed. (This is not to say the other content areas/Domains are less important. This resource addresses Vol. 1 of the PLF in order to begin to consider centers that support these domains. Teachers are encouraged to develop integrated centers for the other domains as well. You can also see that not all the boxes have been filled. Again this is a work in progress. Nor is it to say that all centers must integrate all domains; the boxes are there to help us consider the opportunities for domain integration as we develop centers.) An example learning center is offered in this resource. This center is also coupled with skill development from other domains. (Note: This resource can be found on the TK website. It will be continued to be developed and links with pics and BLM will also be available. ELD specific centers will also be added to the online resource.) We know that this document was created with the preschool learning foundations (or your TK students) in mind and we understand that your learning centers must also address your Kindergarten students. So we want to provide you with the time to collaborate and go over this document. With the use of your alignment book, consider how you can incorporate K standards to make the center meet the needs of both groups of students. (What do I add to it to make it more rigorous for K?) Remember that before a center can be an independent center, the skills must first be taught to the students with the expectations modeled. 45 min to work 10 min to share out thoughts and ideas.
Assessments What is the purpose behind TK? What is the role of assessments? Assessments along with teacher observations will be used to monitor your child’s growth and progress throughout the year. Staff members will use this information to guide instruction, individualized to meet your child’s needs. Time: 2 min (1:50-1:52) Click, Participants answer question 1. (Kinder readiness with strong language and social emotional skills.) Click, Participants answer question 2. (To determine their progression towards this goal/the foundations and start of some of the K standards.) Click: Yes, assessments and student work are also used to give students a grade. Currently grading policy is being developed by LAUSD’s Department of Early Education. Expect information to be distributed to you before the first report card period. Grading policy is being developed by Early Ed.
TK Student Assessments CELDT – initial / PreLAS Espanol DIBELS Next – Print, save, and place assessment report in CUM District ELA K Constructive Response District Math Quarterly Assessment School selected assessments ELD portfolio Report card – follow district reporting period use the category dropdown comment, “Reflects enrollment in Transitional Kindergarten” *Benchmark goals for TK have not been established Time: 3 min (1:52-1:55) TK children will take the same assessments as K. (PreLAS is optional but if students do not pass the CELDT, knowing the level of language they have in their primary language is valuable. Having a strong command in their primary language, helps students develop a second language that much quicker.) With regards to DIBELS Next, a students composite score is recorded in MyData. The complete DIBELS data for a TK is stored in Wireless Gen. Wireless Gen does not have a separate label for these children. They are labeled as K. Next year this child will be a K student but because Wireless Gen cannot keep two sets of K data for one student. As a result, the TK data will be erased in the summer. (The composite score will remain in MyData, but the specific test data will not be available.) So it will be very important that TK benchmark data results be printed and put in a student’s cum. This way if for any reason the data is needed in the future, school staff will have access to it. (Note if anyone asks: DRDP – SR observation tool w/developmental scoring rubrics. Training on this tool was given to the TK pilot teachers. It is a very good tool, but training is needed to support teachers implement this.) (Benchmarks have not been set. We hope to have the TK children’s results disaggregated from the data to use for planning. We are working with MyData to develop a system that will be clear on demonstrating that a student is TK v. K)
Enrollment See REF-5777.1 Transitional Kindergarten Implementation Parent Request Form Kindergarten Continuance Form must be signed by a parent for a child to be considered a TK student Put both forms in the child’s cum Time: 3 min (1:55-1:58) Materials: Sample Reference Guides (1 per table) Reference Guide 5777.0 explains the implementation procedure for TK in 2012-13. Because Transitional Kindergarten is new, teachers should explain to parents of TK students what TK is and have them sign Attachment D, Transitional Kindergarten Age Eligible Student Placement Form. The purpose for this form is so that parents are not surprised at the end of this school year and the beginning of next, when their child is enrolled in traditional kindergarten. This form should go into the CUM folder. A kindergarten age child can also be placed in TK, if a parent requests it. Also, if you feel that there is a child in your classroom that may benefit from the gift of time in order to mature more and/or learn K readiness skills, you make the recommendation to the parent during a parent conference meeting. In either case (parent request or teacher recommendation) the parent must agree to this and fill out Attachments E and F. Note: The decision to recruit can be done at any time of the year. It is important that these forms be signed by the parent because ADA money is connected to them and the state wants to make sure that parents are informed about the program their child is attending.
TK/K Curriculum Resources Social Emotional - Second Step Language Arts – K-Treasures ELD – Treasures ELD and Into English (supplemental resource) Mathematics - enVison CCSS Math, About Teaching Number Sense (Marilyn Burns), Developing Number Sense Book 1 (Kathy Richardson) Science - FOSS Kits Social Studies – Scott Foresman HSS or Harcourt Reflections Physical Development – SPARK/Nike Let Me Play Art – Art Instructional Guide Time: 2 min (1:58-2:00) What are the resources you will have for TK? They are your K materials/resources. Instruction for TK is about making modifications to the K curriculum with the knowledge of TK expectations. To have a clear understanding of what those abilities and expectations are, let’s look at the PLF. Note: for the complete Arts Instructional Guide visit its website on LAUSD
Transitional Kindergarten A Recap of TK Facts Definition Transitional Kindergarten Non-Examples Examples of what instruction looks like Time: 8 min. (2:00-2:08) Materials: HO #5 Just to recap work with your table to brainstorm answers for this graphic organizer. Be prepared for one person from your table to share one response for each box. (HO #5 available for review afterwards)
TK/K Curriculum Resources Visit the LAUSD – Transitional Kindergarten website Time: 1min (2:08-2:09) The TK site is found under Offices – Transitional Kindergarten. There you will find Reference Guide 5777.0 and the resources we have provided you today along with links to other websites/organizations that support TK. Check the site periodically for updates.
Raffle Time! Thank you for your participation and for the outstanding work you do for children and their families. Time: 1 min (2:09-2:10) Raffle (2:10-2:20) Thank you and drive safely