REGION 6 ESC Birth of the IRP
Turnaround Team Meeting Standard rollout of information. Dealing with new accountability. Educating ESC staff and districts. Technical support, as usual. High quality of building relationships through professional development offerings, conferences and retreats. Bottom line: We began to ask ourselves the question...
???????? Are we going to affect change with our Improvement Required campuses and districts if we continue to offer the same services?
Be proactive! What could be done this year to assist campuses that had not been done before? What would be effective from the ESC level? How can we help? 28 campuses needed our help, 9 with principals new to our region.
The Team Special Education Special Programs Leadership and Accountability Curriculum and Instruction Administration All Hands on Deck: willing, motivated and ready to serve
The Motto “Those we serve deserve our very best.” “You call, we haul.”
The Plan Study the data. Specialists in core areas make specific recommendations for a year long professional development plan. Focused on needs like an IEP. Utilize our current resources to match needs. We go to them – boots on the ground. Awareness of what we have to offer to match needs. Build strong relationships. Educate on the new accountability system.
Preparation Lots of man hours. Lots of team work. Great secretaries! Great secretaries that know how to develop a brochure. Great secretaries that don’t get upset when you have to reprint for the third time...individually by campus.
Steps to Success 1. Meeting with the Turnaround team. 2. Divide the campuses among team members, allowing members to choose those campuses that needed specialization from their field. 3. Created a spreadsheet of campuses-principals and contact information. 4. Develop protocol for the visit and share with team. 5. Check out process for IRP’s. 6. Timeline to have visits accomplished. 7. s out to curriculum directors, PSP’s, superintendents and DCSI’s.
The Product A folder The data A brochure
Results Charter school: new principal Alternative school: new idea Pre-K campus and elementary campus: decision made for 2 districts - decide to work on alignment between campuses Utilize IRP in campus improvement meetings and in planning with PSP Requests for data training Discovery of ineffective strategies Appreciative of support, time and effort
Follow-up Team meeting for discussion and collaboration Follow-up phone calls to principals Follow-up onsite meetings with principals Priority and Focus school support Personal invitations to principals to next Principal Network meeting in February