Delicious, Enhance TV and RSS Feeds – an overview of how they can work together
2 Delicious an easy way of bookmarking your favourite websites, no matter where you are. more information on POD, look under QRG for instructions on how to use Delicious
3 Open your web browser and go to Click on register & complete all details. Finalise by clicking the ‘Register’ button. Install the buttons to your web browser to make it a lot easier to use. Click on Install buttons, choose Run twice, close your browser (Internet Explorer), click next numerous times and I agree. Complete the tutorials on how to use the buttons. Complete your registration by clicking on the link provided in the sent to you by Make a note of your URL, username and password How do I set up a account?
4 Open the website you want to bookmark Click on the Tag button in your web browser toolbar Complete the details (description of site, tags if you want to) OR Copy the URL address you want to save With your site open, click Post Paste the URL in the space provided, add any further details you want to How do I add a bookmark to my site?
5 Log in to your new account Go to Settings > Bookmarks Import/Upload > Follow the 2 simple steps to import the web links from your web browser favorites list. How can I import by ‘favorites’ from my web browser to
6 Log in to your new account Go to Settings > Bookmarks Import/Upload > Follow the 2 simple steps to import the web links from your web browser favorites list. The simplest way is to send the URL of your site to whomever you would like to share it with. There are other ways to do this such as setting up an RSS feed and using Tags. The Help section on can guide you with this. How do I share my bookmarks with others?
7 Just open the web browser and type your URL into the address bar. (You’ll need your username and password). How do I access my bookmarks from another computer?
8 Enhance TV A way to find out what programs are coming up each week in TV in the area that interests you Includes information about Screenrights You can create RSS feed alerts about upcoming programs so you don’t need to check this site yourself.
9 How do I get RSS feeds from Enhance TV? On the home page of Enhance TV, scroll down to RSS feeds Choose the area that interests you Copy and paste the URL into your feed aggregator (eg Bloglines or Attensa)
10 EnhanceTV is a unique web resource for Australian educators, providing you with information on educational TV programs and films, as well as free study guides and feature articles to help you teach using television in the classroom. Online Store - EnhanceTV delivers EnhanceTV is also an online store, licensed to sell copies of programs broadcast on television, to educators from an Australian educational institution that has a Screenrights licence. Missed recording a program? Chances are we copied it for you. Huge range of educational TV programs High quality copies Free-to-air and pay-tv programs Fast delivery Ad-free programs (we've cut out the ads) Competitive pricing DVD or VHS format Convenient payment options Your copying requests - tell us what you want copiedcopying requests Programs span 19 different learning areas You can copy as much as you like EnhanceTV is brought to you by Screenrights, the non-profit organisation that licenses educational institutions to copy from television and radio. All Australian universities, TAFEs, government schools and almost all other schools are licensed by Screenrights. To find out more about the licence go to or licensing Free resources The extensive educational resources on EnhanceTV will help you reduce your work load involved with preparation time and inspire lesson ideas.EnhanceTV is brought to you by Screenrights, Weekly of educational TV highlights Over 500 study guides and feature articles Educational online TV guide RSS feeds Podcasts Searchable archive of over 40,000 film & TV titlesSearchable archive Join now - it's free All EnhanceTV membership levels are free to join, and include the opportunity to receive EnhanceTV This Week, a free weekly of educational television highlights. join Essential Film & TV resources for educators
11 RSS feeds RSS (really simple syndication) is something a website (or blog) offers to readers to provide a “news feed” of their information. It delivers exactly the information that you have “subscribed” to, eliminating the need to go out and check your favourite outlets for new information, because they are delivered to your computer. You need a downloaded content aggregator / feed reader to receive the RSS feeds. Attensa ( can be installed on your computer so feeds of your choice are delivered to folders in your inbox. Bloglines ( is an external website which you can visit when you choose to view your feeds.
12 Attensa looks like this when installed in your inbox
13 Bloglines Follow the instructions to sign up to Bloglines (remember to keep your password and login somewhere safe). You’ll be sent an to verify your address. You’ll be offered Quick Pick subscriptions. You can choose to subscribe to any or none. If you decide you want to have a look later go to Clippings – Quick Pick subscriptions.
14 More about Bloglines Save Time, Read it Your Way View all your subscriptions by clicking on the My Feeds tabMy Feeds tab Modify display preferences in feed OptionsOptions View articles by selecting from the links in your Feeds folderFeeds folder Modify individual subscription options using the Edit feature Choose a Notifier for Bloglines alertsChoose a Notifier View Bloglines on your mobile devicemobile device Read Bloglines in your favorite languagefavorite language What interests you? Blogs, News, Podcasts and moreBlogsNewsPodcastsmore Weather forecasts Package tracking View the 200 Most Popular FeedsMost Popular Feeds Track future web articles by creating a search subscriptionsearch subscription Subscribe to it Subscribe with one click from your browser toolbarbrowser toolbar Subscribe from search resultssearch results Look for RSS enabled sites with 'Subscribe with Bloglines' or XML/RSS buttons'Subscribe with Bloglines' If you don't see an RSS button, use the 'Add' link and enter the URL and Bloglines will find all available feedsenter the URL Manage mailing list clutter by creating unique addresses addresses Publish, Share & Save Publish your own blogyour own blog Post a 'Subscribe with Bloglines' button on your blogPost a 'Subscribe with Bloglines' button Share your blogroll articles to any address using the ' This' feature' This' Save articles with the 'Keep New' or 'Clip/Blog This' featuresSave articles
15 More about Bloglines Save Time, Read it Your Way View all your subscriptions by clicking on the My Feeds tabMy Feeds tab Modify display preferences in feed OptionsOptions View articles by selecting from the links in your Feeds folderFeeds folder Modify individual subscription options using the Edit feature Choose a Notifier for Bloglines alertsChoose a Notifier View Bloglines on your mobile devicemobile device Read Bloglines in your favorite languagefavorite language
16 What interests you? Blogs, News, Podcasts and moreBlogsNewsPodcastsmore Weather forecasts Package tracking View the 200 Most Popular FeedsMost Popular Feeds Track future web articles by creating a search subscriptionsearch subscription More about Bloglines
17 More about Bloglines Subscribe to it Subscribe with one click from your browser toolbarbrowser toolbar Subscribe from search resultssearch results Look for RSS enabled sites with 'Subscribe with Bloglines' or XML/RSS buttons'Subscribe with Bloglines' If you don't see an RSS button, use the 'Add' link and enter the URL and Bloglines will find all available feeds enter the URL Manage mailing list clutter by creating unique addresses addresses
18 More about Bloglines Publish, Share & Save Publish your own blogyour own blog Post a 'Subscribe with Bloglines' button on your blogPost a 'Subscribe with Bloglines' button Share your blogroll articles to any address using the ' This' feature' This' Save articles with the 'Keep New' or 'Clip/Blog This' featuresSave articles
19 How do I get my feeds? Find the RSS button on the site you want (eg Enhance TV) to get the URL. Sign into Bloglines and go to the tab Feeds – Add. Cut and paste the URL. Or download the button onto your computer (may need admin rights). The feeds you have chosen will appear on the LHS of the screen under the Feeds tab
20 Its that simple!! Don’t forget to save your Enhance TV and Bloglines websites in!!