Using SCHOOLSTATION Getting started with our new professional development tracking system. Manual advance presentation—click anywhere to continue throughout.
Open your web browser and go to
Enter your Username and Password and click Login.
Once you log in you will see the Start Page. Use the StartPage button to come back to this page at any time.
You can edit your profile from the side menu, which is important for changing your password!
When you edit your profile a new browser window will open. Enter a new password in the password field. then scroll down and click the Update Profile button. Simply close the window if you don’t want to change anything.
Click the Register for PD button to sign up for a workshop.
Scroll down the page to see what’s offered. Click Register to sign up for a course.
When you register for a class in the list a new browser window will open. Click the Register button on this window to confirm that you want to sign up for this workshop.
At some point you’ll want to veiw your Professional Development Record. Click the Reports button for to do this.
This link will open your PD Record too.
Your report will open in a new browser window. It will list all workshops you have completed as well as those you are signed up to attend. If you know you will not be able to attend a workshop click the red X to drop yourself from the roll and make room for others. You can print this report if your wish. Close this window when you are done.
When you are finished working in SCHOOLSTATION don’t forget to log out.