It’s just going through a phase! Source: NASA, Apollo 11
If you look at the Moon each night, you’ll notice its appearance changes.
If you watch closely, you’ll notice the Moon changes in a regular pattern.
It gets larger, and then it gets smaller and then larger again. Why?
The Earth revolves around and the Sun and the Moon revolves around the Earth.
As the Moon revolves around the Earth, different parts of the Moon are in sunlight.
This causes the phases of the Moon.
There are eight major phases of the Moon you should know.
New Moon Source of Moon Pictures: Goleta Air and Space Museum,
Waxing The Moon appears to be getting larger.
Waxing Crescent Source of Moon Pictures: Goleta Air and Space Museum,
First Quarter Source of Moon Pictures: Goleta Air and Space Museum,
Gibbous Between half and full.
Waxing Gibbous Source of Moon Pictures: Goleta Air and Space Museum,
Full Moon Source of Moon Pictures: Goleta Air and Space Museum,
Waning The Moon appears to be getting smaller.
Waning Gibbous Source of Moon Pictures: Goleta Air and Space Museum,
Last/3 rd Quarter Source of Moon Pictures: Goleta Air and Space Museum,
Waning Crescent Source of Moon Pictures: Goleta Air and Space Museum,
And the cycle begins all over again, month after month after month.
That is why we see the Moon change thru the month.