How Do You Say UU in Chinese? Dr. Jian Li 李键 July 5th, 2009 Prepared for the Community Unitarian Universalist Church of Plano
Unitarian Universalism Challenges and Opportunities Essence of Unitarian Universalism UU in Chinese? Faith Without Borders?
Many Traditions Three Themes Sources: Jewish and Christian, world religions, humanism, earth centered traditions, direct experiences of love, mystery, and wonder Three Themes 1. Individual worth and dignity 2. Interdependent web of all beings 3. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
Why UU In Chinese? UU – non creedal, embracing world wisdom traditions Religious revival in China since 1978 All major religions have been translated into Chinese Unitarian Universalism is yet to be translated UU Hong Kong,
Three Strategies in Translating Names from English to Chinese 1. By meaning 2. By sound 3. By a combination of meaning and sound
ChinesePin Yin English 开明 灵友 普救 普爱 普世 大同 Kai ming Ling you Pu jiou Pu ai Pu shi Da tong Liberal Spiritual friend Universal salvation Universal love Universal values Great unity Translating UU by Meaning
ChinesePin Yin English 悠悠 友友 You you Leasure Friend Translating UU by Sound
ChinesePin Yin English 佑由 友爱 UU 寻道会 You You Ai UU Xundaohui Protecting freedom Friendship and love UU Dao seeker society/ Spiritual Seekers Society Translating UU by Combining Meaning and Sound
ChinesePin YinEnglish 教 宗教 主义 学 论 运动 信仰 会 / 社 Jiao Zong jiao Zhu yi Xue Lun Yundong Xinyang Hui/she Religion or teaching Denominational R -ism Learning Theory Movement Faith Fellowship/society Nature of Unitarian Universalism
Both (Daoism and UU) share a philosophical view of seeing the world as a metaphysical reality with change and dynamism. Furthermore, both also share their deep respect for living in harmony with nature, and both recognize “the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”. UU 寻道会 / 尋道會 Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong
UU 寻道会 / 尋道會 Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong
UU – Faith without borders UU – “Religion of gratitude” “The defining element of our faith (UU) is gratitude. Judaism is defined by obedience, Christianity by love, Islam by submission, Unitarian Universalism by gratitude” - By Galen Guengerich, “Theology for a Secular Age” UU message of hope, love and gratitude is good for the world! Unitarian Universalism and Beyond