The Use of Simulated Practice Learning Within Pre-Registration Nursing Programmes at the University of Ulster Brian McFetridge Lecturer in Nursing School of Nursing University of Ulster
What is Simulation? Simulation has been defined by Quinn (2000) as ‘an imitation of some facet of life, usually in a simplified form. (p382)’ Issenberg et al (1999) described simulations in terms of providing trainees with life-like situations requiring them to use appropriate questions, actions and also receive appropriate feedback. Formative approach to student development
Current Simulation Activities Role play Acting clinical scenarios Use of Clinical Skills Laboratories CCTV recording, playback and review Disaster / Emergency preparedness and response
Why Disaster Preparedness and Response? Experience of MSc Disaster Relief Nursing and associated simulation activities All nurses have a potential role within the response to a disaster or major incident Learning is not limited to disaster related knowledge and skills but to –Leadership and Management Skills –Teamwork –Interprofessional working and communication –Adaptation, innovation, problem solving
Teamwork Coordinate, delegate, supervise and participate in the work of a nursing team
Interpersonal Skills Demonstrate professional behaviour in interactions with patients/relatives, professional colleagues, members of the multidisciplinary team, managers, the general public
Demonstrate problem-solving skills in managing care to meet identified patient needs Innovation, Adaptation and Application
Working with others Work as a member of a team including negotiation, leadership and active listening in the context of consulting with other professionals and patients;
Personal Development Reflect on their experiences and identify their own strengths and weaknesses
Transferable Skills Leadership Decision making Collaboration Cultural diversity
Students are prepared for the necessary skills through earlier theory, placement and casualty acting roles Promotes School working with other service providers - Trusts, Emergency Services, Territorial Army Formative assessment Reflection Final Thoughts