Further open trade & finance systems that are rule- based, predictable & non-discriminatory, w/ commitment to good governance, development, & poverty reduction (national & intern.) (MDG#8) Address tariff & quota-free access for exports; enhanced debt relief; more assistance for countries committed to pov. reduction; address needs landlocked countries (#8) In cooperation w/pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries (#8) Halve proportion of people w/ income of less than $1/day (#1) Halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger (#1) Ensure that all boys & girls complete primary school (#2) Halt and begin to reverse spread of HIV/AIDs & incidence of malaria & other major diseases (#6) Reduce by ½ the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water (#7) Achieve significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers (#7) Eliminate gender disparity in primary & secondary education (MDG#3) Reduce by 2/3 the mortality rate of children under five (#4) Reduce by ¾ the ratio of women dying in childbirth (#5) Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies & programs & reverse the loss of environmental resources (#7) In cooperation w/private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, esp information and communication (#8) National & international measures to make debt more sustainable in long term (#8) In cooperation w/developing countries, develop decent and productive work for youth (MDG#8) Mapping the Millennium Development Goals Unifying Framework for Poverty Eradication & Social Justice ENABLING ENVIRONMENT (Improving Governance) HUMAN CONDITIONS (Increasing Opportunity) SOCIAL POSITIONS (Improving Social Equity) Draft prepared by M. Katherine McCaston HLS Advisor, CARE USA, May 2005
Further open trade & finance systems that are rule-based, predictable & non-discriminatory, w/ commitment to good governance, development, & poverty reduction (national & intern.) (MDG#8) Address tariff & quota-free access for exports; enhanced debt relief; more assistance for countries committed to pov. reduction; address needs landlocked countries (#8) In cooperation w/pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries (#8) Halve proportion of people w/ income of less than $1/day (#1) Halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger (#1) Ensure that all boys & girls complete primary school (#2) Halt and begin to reverse spread of HIV/AIDs & incidence of malaria & other major diseases (#6) Reduce by ½ the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water (#7) Achieve significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers (#7) Eliminate gender disparity in primary & secondary education (MDG#3) Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies & programs & reverse the loss of environmental resources (#7) In cooperation w/private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, esp information and communication (#8) National & international measures to make debt more sustainable in long term (#8) In cooperation w/developing countries, develop decent and productive work for youth (MDG#8) Strengthening the Sustainable Impact of the Millennium Development Goals Unifying Framework for Poverty Eradication & Social Justice ENABLING ENVIRONMENT (Improving Governance) HUMAN CONDITIONS (Increasing Opportunity) SOCIAL POSITIONS (Improving Social Equity) Draft prepared by M. Katherine McCaston HLS Advisor, CARE USA, May 2005 Potential Additional Underlying Cause Indicators Promote open & equitable governance systems Promote civic and citizen participation in political processes. Promote women & minority participation in political processes. Potential Additional Underlying Cause Indicators Ensure equitable access to public resources and services Ensure equitable access to livelihood opportunities and markets. Potential Additional Underlying Cause Indicators Address harmful and discriminatory social and cultural practices. Address exclusion and discrimination regarding participation in civic and political processes. Reduce by ¾ the ratio of women dying in childbirth (#5) Reduce by 2/3 the mortality rate of children under five (#4)