Status of the TEST Network, tasks performed and funding for Uganda Sandra Wamono Makerere University Nairobi Meeting 21 October – 22 October 2010 Nairobi
Status of the TEST Network, performed tasks and funding for Uganda Introduction Updates on the activities so far Information and experience gained Funding Plan for future work
Activities carried out Establishment of a research team of key members from different sectors Involvement of student on internship Tasks distributed Data collection/Surveys Press release
Activities The establishment of the multisectoral research team was in effort to reach as many groups involved in transport and environment management/studies as possible This would provide favourable ground for the implementation of the TEST Network Project.
Activities Key Researchers Dr. Kiggundu A. Tamale – Local Network Manager Sandra Wamono – Local Network Administrator Road safety – Mr. Sam Kaisiromwe (Senior Statistician UBOS/ITDP- Europe) Traffic flow management – Mr. Patrick Kayemba (ITDP-Europe) Air pollution – Dr. Wambedde Nabalegwa (Environmental studies at Kyambogo University)
Activities Data collection/Surveys Surveys were started though quite late due to the delays in accessing the funds While there has been feedback in some areas, other areas are with no feedback due to the reluctance by some agencies to provide the necessary data, thus the surveys are still ongoing
Activities Press release An article was released in The Observer (a weekly newspaper) dated October 18 – 20, 2010 in an attempt to inform government agencies, academic institutions, industry, stakeholders and the general public about the TEST Network Project and its goals
Information and experience gained Generally, very little research has been carried out on traffic flow management, road safety, but most especially transport related air pollution. This is attributed to the young institutions in Uganda, thus are without capacity to carry out studies. With a multisectoral research team, we have been able to make contact with government agencies, particularly the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) that has a Road Safety Dept. The Dept. has provided some information for the survey.
Information and experience gained The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) is at its initial stages of carrying out emissions estimates and transport emissions will be looked into.
Funding Co-funding While requests for co-funding have been made to several funding bodies and government entities in and outside Uganda, no funding has been secured at the moment
Status of the TEST Network, performed tasks and funding for Uganda Plan for future work Intend to finalise with surveys in the next one week Have a National Stakeholder Meeting on 19/11/2010 Have more press releases with several other local newspapers