European Nature System - ENS: An ECVET process to put in transparency and recognise across Europe the learning outcomes and the qualifications of the professional figures in the nature-based tourism sector Key point after the kick off meeting: –The Partnership –Organisation chart –Meetings agenda and info - days –The project from now to the next meeting – focus on WP2 –Change the budget –Financial and Administrative agenda –Payment agenda EU Lifelong Learning Programme Subprogramme Leonardo da Vinci - Call for proposal 2011 EAC/49/10 Priority "ECVET for transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications (LEO-TraInno-11)" Action "Transfer of Innovation" Protocol Code LLP-LdV-TOI-11-IT-685 – Project Unique Code (CUP – Codice Unico di progetto): G92F
The Partnership 1.Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa (IT) - Co-ordinator 2.Consorzio Itaca (IT) - Core partner 3.Diesis Coop scrl-fs (BE) - Core partner 4.Latvijas lauku turisma asociacija "Lauku celotajs" (LV) - Core partner 5.Fundacion Ecoagroturismo (ES) - Core partner 6.BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH (AT) - Core partner 7.Koan Consulting SL (ES) - Core partner 8.KATE-Kontaktstelle für Umwelt & Entwicklung (DE) - Core partner 9.Regione Umbria (IT) - Associated partner
Organisation chart Each partner have to indicate: -a person in charge for the following function (people could cover different functions) - address, the phone /fax number and skype account: 1.Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa (IT) - Co-ordinator Coordinator: Enrico Libera Mobile – – Responsible for Administration: Patrizia Orecchini Tel Fax – Secretariat : Maria Luisa Mezzanotte Tel Fax – Researcher : Umberto Lepri Tel –
1 – 2 December 2011Perugia - Italy 23 – 24 February 2012Stuttgart- Germany 31 May 1 June 2012 Riga- Latvia 25 – 26 October 2012 Madrid - Spain 28 February – 1 March 2013 Wien- Austria 19 – 20 September 2013Brussels - Be Partnership Meetings Info - days agenda must be scheduled by each partner
WP 2 – Analysis and preparatory researches on the field of professional figures in nature-based and rural tourism Identification and classification within EQF of the professional figures in nature-based and rural tourism in the European Countries participating to the project: Utilising a common tool
Budget Changes The Italian National Agency asks for only 1 Financial Guarantee from the Lead Partner, so all partners switch their own Financial Guarantee amount to ARIS
The project is running from 1 October 2011 up to 30 September 2013 From now to the interim report Internal checks every 4 months 15 Feb Jun Nov 2012 Interim report 30 Nov 2012 Financial and Administrative Agenda
Payment Agenda 40% first tranche 45 days after Financial Guarantee delivery to NA by ARIS; February % second tranche 45 days after the approval of the interim report; February % final tranche 60 days after the approval of final report February 2014