present occur do occur are occurring conjugate dropping the -ar adding the appropriate ending preterite began/ occurred ended past conjugate dropping the -ar adding the appropriate ending So … if you were to compare the present tense conjugation process & the preterite tense process, what do you notice? They are exactly the same!!!
amos é aste ó aron I We viajé viajamos viajaste He She viajaron viajó I traveled We traveled You (informal) aste viajaste You traveled He They (M) She They (F) ó aron You (formal) Y’all viajaron viajó They traveled She traveled
¡Vamos a practicar! Please have one person from each area grab a set of dry erase boards & materials (markers & erasers) for all the people in their “group”. Visitar Ella _______________ (to visit) visitó Nosotros _______________ visitamos Ellos _______________ visitaron Yo _______________ visité Regresar Tú _______________ (to return) regresaste Él _______________ regresó Ustedes _______________ regresaron Usted _______________ regresó Comprar Yo _______________ (to buy) compré Ellas _______________ compraron Tú _______________ compraste Nosotros _______________ compramos