Four Bar Linkage in Elliptical Exerciser Group C Robert Desjardins Stephanie Louttit Mark Szymanski Christopher Wirz
Elliptical Exercisers A combination of a stair climber and a cross-country ski machine that you stand on and pedal No impact Less likely to injure joints than on a treadmill Lower perceived exertion for equivalent workout intensity
Elliptical Exerciser - Classification r1 + r2 < r3 + r4 Grashof Class I Kinematic Chain Crank-Rocker
Elliptical Exerciser - DOF L = 4 J1 = 4 DOF = 3(L – 1) – 2(J1) –J2 DOF = 3(4 – 1) – 2(4) DOF = a 4 c b d
Walking/Running vs. Elliptical Walking/Running MotionElliptical Motion When walking, feet naturally follow path of ellipse While foot 1 is flat on the ground, foot 2 is in the air moving parallel to the ground When running, feet pound on the ground potentially causing joint injury Elliptical Exerciser eliminates impact with ground by following natural walking motion of feet
Elliptical Exerciser MATLab Simulation Matlab GUI for
Elliptical Exerciser SolidEdge Simulation
Elliptical Exerciser SolidEdge Simulation – Velocity Plots
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