Is your team ready? Linked Learning Certification Visit
Is your team ready for a Linked Learning Pathway Quality Review? Knowing your Team Knowing Linked Learning Collaborating with your team Consulting your support
Reminder- Certification is a checkpoint not the goal Marathon of preparing all students for college and career Continuous Improvement using 40 criteria Process should invigorate, inspire and challenge your team
Knowing Your Team Projects Work based learning Interventions Common Beliefs about Teaching and Learning
Key Questions: Projects Are projects a nice extra or a part of your culture? Are projects guided by agreed upon student outcomes and your theme? Are technical and academic skills developed through the projects? Would business partners see the authenticity in the projects students complete? Would your students speak to the value of the projects?
Key Questions: WBL Is WBL an extra or is it a vehicle for reaching your desired outcomes for students ? Do you have an active advisory board that is seeking out WBL experiences for all students in your pathway? Is there an intentional sequence to the WBL experiences for students? Can students speak to the value of the WBL experiences they are having?
Key Questions: Interventions Does your team take mutual responsibility for helping struggling students ? Do you use student data to identify individual student needs? Would students and parents report a high level of individualized support?
Common Beliefs Does you team operate with a common set of high expectations for students? Does your team generally agree about the best approaches to teaching and learning? Are common processes evident in your team?
Knowing Linked Learning Four foundations of Linked Learning Linked Learning Value statements 40 Criteria and rubric
Collecting Evidence Documenting your work allows you to build on it. Most evidence should be artifacts, natural by- products of your work. Some evidence is created to organize, summarize, or provide clarity for "others." How good is good enough? ( future presentation )
Collaborating with your team Team Self-Assessment Make sure team members know what a certification visit entails Align tasks to individual skills on you team- Distribute Leadership
Consulting your support SLC Coordinator Principal(s) District Pathway Coach
Key Points Is your team ready to schedule a Pathway Quality Review? Knowledge of your team and of Linked Learning are equally important in making a decision. Certification is a checkpoint, not the goal. Decision should be done with your team and other supports.
"Not ready" does not mean "not good" Having some of the elements is good for kids and is better than not having any of the elements. Continuous improvement process implies building, aggregating, learning, and growing while staying focused on your outcomes for students over a period of years. A mock review done within the district may provide important feedback.