CRCD Academic Approvals and Curriculum Process Training Updated by Sage Lewis, CRCD VC Office Admin
Minimum requirements for an academic unit of credit: 800 minutes of lecture (plus 1600 minutes of study) 1600 or 2400 minutes of laboratory (or studio or other similar activity) minutes of supervised practicum minutes of internship (or externship, clinical) minutes of supervised scholarly activity Given the information above, the formula used for computing credit/contact hours is 800 minutes (13.3 hrs) per credit. This equates to approximately 1 hr of lecture per week for a normal 14 week semester. See UAF Faculty Senate Policy webpage
The College Credit Compression Rule Every credit hour must be taught in 3 days or more; 3 days per 1 credit 6 days per 2 credits 9 days per 3 credits 12 days per 4 credits 15 days per 5 credits 18 days per 6 credits Credits equal: 1 credit = 13.3 hours 2 credits = 26.6 hours 3 credits = 39.9 hours 4 credits = 53.2 hours 5 credits = 66.5 hours 6 credits = 79.8 hours
Examples of Credit Hours (1+0) 1 credit, (3+0) 3 credits, (3+3) 4 credits, (1+4) 3 credits, or (1+0+40) for 6 credits, where... The first number is the lecture hours The second number is the lab hours The third number is the practicum/internship /scholarly activity hours. Academic Course and Degree Procedures Manual website:
External Instructor Approval (IA) Requests Submit hard copy of External IA request to the VC Office, attention Sage Lewis. If the potential instructor is already full time faculty in that particular department then an IA request is not needed. If IA is needed, include: IA request form Potential instructor’s resume, credentials and transcripts Syllabus
External Special Topics (ST) Requests Complete an ST Request form. The form can be found at: Attach potential instructor’s resume, credentials and transcripts Attach a syllabus Submit both the IA Request and ST Request to the CRCD VC Office, attention Sage Lewis via **NOTE: These could take up to five weeks for processing!
Internal IA Requests Click on Instructor Approval - Preparer Complete an electronic form (much like the hard copy IA request form) Attach resume, credentials and transcripts Attach syllabus Please make sure syllabus lists dates and times of class Send to Dorene Bunch for CRCD Dean’s Initial Review Click submit Submit online at (If access is needed, please Sage Lewis at
Internal ST Requests Click on Special Topics -Preparer Complete an electronic form Attach resume, credentials and transcripts Attach syllabus Please make sure syllabus lists dates and times of class Send to Dorene Bunch for CRCD Dean’s Initial Review Click submit Submit online at
Internal IA Requests Approving List 1. Dean’s Office Initial Review 2. Program Head 3. Department Chair 4. CRCD Executive Dean or Associate Dean During each approval, the preparer should receive an of where the electronic approval request is located.
Approval Process is Complete!! Send approval confirmation of IA to Pam Leist at so it can be added to the CRCD schedule. In the same attach a copy of a completed Class Schedule Form (CSF) A copy of the Class Schedule Form (CSF) can be found on the CRCD website at: Schedule-form_ent.pdf Schedule-form_ent.pdf Please remember that it is critical to have an Instructor Approval for auditing purposes! No CSF form should be submitted without an IA approval.
Congratulations on Completing the Instructor Approval Training! If you have any questions or concerns please contact: Sage Lewis, CRCD VC Office Admin Assistant Toll Free: Local: Or visit our website at