CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 The Role of the Coordinator in Information and Knowledge Management
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Information Management (IM) The design and use of tools, systems and structures to determine what information to share, with whom, for what purpose, and how. Improves the capacity of stakeholders in analysis and decision-making through strengthened collection, processing, interpretation, and dissemination of information
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Knowledge Management (KM) Turning data (raw material) information (finished goods) knowledge (finished goods with which you can take action). Aim of Coordinator is to harness this knowledge for action
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Components of IM Assessment and associated M&E Data Storage Data Analysis Documentation and Dissemination Use of the knowledge The right information at the right time
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 How OCHA can help Suggest and provide datasets P-codes map projections Coordination around Information cross cluster needs gap analysis IM working group advice technical support Develop standardized information products contact lists, meeting schedules 3w reports and maps; data sets website ensure effective IM between clusters support operational analysis
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Oneresponse.info
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Data Preparedness Having information sources, standards, tools and actors in place Minimum baseline data P-codes Population (Census) Baseline geographic data Essential infrastructure Reference maps Map of CP system Levels of separation, OVC, GBV, etc.
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Tools and Principles for Managing Child Protection Information
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Interagency CP IM System & Case Management Database on all forms of separation; new software rolling out for any kind of children’s case management; Approach project/dialogue/get approval and then support available Promotes coordination by its nature b/c inter-agency/inter-spatial; keep track of large caseloads
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 IA Information Management System Has developed common IDTR forms and other thematic areas standardised protocols on managing and using case information; templates on SOP Provides access to individual and collective data and reports; case management and data analysis
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Protocols on sensitive information Coordination meetings are NOT case management meetings Trust amongst partners is concretised through IA information-sharing protocol – with GBV sub-cluster, MPHSS mechanism & Protection Cluster lead Confidentiality & need-to-know basis (define) –signed protocol added to contract Security Forthcoming UNICEF guidance on MRM 1612 will contain general statement on links to sub-cluster structure– focus on referral mechanisms
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Dealing with the media UNICEF and Save the Children have global guidelines which can be contextualised Review guidelines as part of emergency preparedness Promote the use of key messages and agreed figures Build the capacity of all sub-cluster members, as almost all actors want the exposure
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 How to use CP information Solid management of information feeds into: contingency planning strategic response fundraising inter-cluster coordination/influencing
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Degrees of Sharing Making assessment Each does own; does not share Each does own and shares Each uses agreed tools and shares Joint assessments using agreed tools and shared Collecting information Stored in agency files Informs individual decision- making Jointly shared and used for joint planning Used to agree common plans and joint budgets Monitoring Each does own; no sharing Each does own and shares Each uses joint tools and shares Joint monitoring using agreed tools and shared
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Turning information into knowledge Remember: knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information and expert insight. Analysis and dissemination Real-time and summary evaluations
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Information drought or flood in Niangoma At the end of your 2 nd day in Niangoma Identify what CP preparedness information/data should/could be available and where to find it (i.e. level of data preparedness pre-crisis) – GROUP 1 Specify what Child Protection information “products” (e.g. reports) you will need to produce during the response, how you will produce these and how you will circulate these – GROUP 2 Specify what information “products” and support you would expect from OCHA – GROUP 3 15 minutes in group and 5 mins to report back