Georgia O’Keeffe By: Lukas Yang
Place/Date of Birth. November, 15, 1887 Sin Prairie Wisconsin USA
Place/Date of death March 6, 1986 Santa Fe, New Mexico, Usa
:Art Work: Georgia O’Keeffe normally created abstract. Most of her famous pieces are pictures of flowers and animal skulls in a stylish way.
Example of her Art This is oil on the board Nov.3
What is she famous for? Georgia O’Keefe is famous for her drawing of landscapes, Bones, flowers, and other confusing paintings.
Fun Fact! Did you know Georgia O’Keefe made over 1000 drawings and paintings!
Favorite `motto Colors & Lines & shape seem for me a more definite statement than words.
BIBLIORAPHY 80/a-r-t-history-georgia-okeeffe-series-i-no 80/a-r-t-history-georgia-okeeffe-series-i-no