By Nur Kose 2011
Islamic Jeopardy Quiz Qur’anProphetsSahabahsRamadanSalah
How many ayahs are in Surah Baqarah?
286 ayahs
How many Juz are in the Qur’an?
Which Surah comes after Surah Nur?
Surah Furkan
What is the smallest Surah in the Qur’an?
Surah Kawthar
What is the only Surah that has a story throughout the whole Surah?
Surah Yusuf
What is the first Ayah of Surah Baqarah?
Alif Laam Meem
Which prophet did Shaytan refuse to bow down to?
Prophet Adam (A)
Which Prophet could speak to animals?
Prophet Sulayman (A)
Which prophet threw his stick and it turned into a snake?
Prophet Musa (A)
Which city did Prophet Muhammad (S) go to during the Year of Sorrow in which the townspeople chased him away?
Yusuf (A) was born in Egypt. True or False?
Who was Prophet Yusuf (A)’s grandfather?
Ishaq (A)
Who was Aisha (R)’s father?
Abu Bakr (R)
Who was the first female sahabah to be martyred in Mecca?
Sumayyah (R)
Who was the first Mua’addhin?
Bilal (R)
Umar (R) was one of the ten promised Jannah. True or False?
Which Sahabah was known as Saif-u-Allah (Sword of Allah)?
Khalid ibn Walid (R)
Which of the Prophet Muhammad (S)’s daughters was the first to die after him?
Fatimah (R)
What number month is Ramadan in the Islamic calendar?
9 th month
The night of Laylatul Qadr is equal to 100 nights. True or False?
Which Surah has this ayah about fasting? O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqûn
Surah Baqarah
Do you eat Suhur before Fajr or before Maghrib?
Before Fajr
What are the two different number of days that Ramadan can have?
29 or 30
Eid is in Ramadan. True or False?
When did Allah give the order pray?
When the Prophet (S) went up above the seven heavens during Isra Wal Miraj
When does Fajr time end?
At Sunrise
How many rak’ats sunnah does Dhuhr have?
6 rak’ats (four before and two after)
How many times do you have to say Surah Fatiha in Fard Maghrib Salah?
3 times
How many rak’ats is Fajr Sunnah?
2 rak’ats
Your prayer doesn’t count if you don’t say surah Fatiha in it. True or False?
How old was Prophet Muhammad (S) when he received the first revelation?
40 years old