W HAT IS THE CO - OP PROGRAM Co-Op is designed to help our dealers ADVERTISE and PROMOTE MBCI products. By working with our dealers in this manner, we provide them with more resources to increase exposure and make more sales. Unused Co-Op funds are dollars thrown away and buyers that are not being reached. OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11, $1 of Co- Op $12 in Sales According to Nielsen Research Co-Op dollars have the highest rate of return. On average, this is $12 for large ticket items per dollar spent.
H OW TO HELP YOUR DEALERS Check your Co-Op reports: Business Objects - 60, 62, 64 Follow up with your dealers to ensure that they are advertising and using Co-Op to stretch their advertising dollars. Pay attention to what works… and what doesn’t Newspaper: Costs are up and circulation is down Radio: Oversaturation of media blocks leads to drop in primary advertisers – Nielsen Web: Local targeting lowers acquisition costs Mobile: Mobile apps now available at the address level OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11,
Consumers are shopping differently. Can they find you? Most Popular Request Type: Newspaper Ads account for about 20% of all requests. (Newspaper Circulation Continues to Drop media_biz/) Least Popular Request Type: 0.2%... Website development/advertising/search engine optimization (Roughly Half Of All Buyers Search Online Before Purchase before-buying-online) Co-Op eligible items include Search Engine Optimization, one-time web development costs and online advertising banners. OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11, H OW TO HELP YOUR DEALERS
When working with your dealers, remember that using a few simple rules will help better track the effectiveness of any advertising: Vary your offers by medium to see what customers are asking for. Make sure your advertising tells customers specifically why they should buy from you and over the competition. Ask your customers and track your leads by advertising medium. Web Billboard Radio Direct Mail Flyers OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11, H OW TO HELP YOUR DEALERS
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Dealer must have a minimum of $75k in overall sales. Dealers accrue at a set % on their “Qualifying Sales” Qualifying Sales are those sales that do not fall into the excluded door styles. Contractor’s Choice and GBC do not accrue on any sales Requests must include proper documentation. All requests must be submitted by February 15 following the fiscal year cut off to be considered. Funds not utilized during the calendar year are forfeit. OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11,
M ISCELLANEOUS Review the program guidelines with your dealers and include advertising in your planning. Primary reason for declined requests involve missing or incorrect documentation. When in doubt… check the guidelines. There are less than 2 weeks left before 2010 cut off. OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11, Program Details Available on One Touch
G ROWTH INCENTIVE Sales Base is the higher of: $300,000 minimum Prior Year Net Sales Average of Prior TWO years Net Sales OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11,
G ROWTH INCENTIVE You should be able to give your dealers a target for Growth Incentive during the year. You can calculate their sales base. This will give you the baseline from where all growth will be measured. SPA’s, Contractor’s Choice, and other elements can effect a dealers Growth Incentive. For this reason, do not provide estimates to dealers for Growth Incentives. February 15 th is the target date for Growth Incentives to be released. OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11, 2014 OCTOBER 11,