OBJECTIVES: TLW… Use reading strategies such as chunking, eliminating, and monitoring comprehension when reading text not of choice Analyze characters, plot, theme and other literary elements of fiction Write a response to fiction in complete sentences IR/ turn in reading log Boot Camp: Mini-lesson: paired piece IR: reading passage Fiction Review: Read Aloud: Greyling p. 9 Mini-lesson: theme Monday, Apr 14
OBJECTIVES: TLW… Use reading strategies such as chunking, eliminating, and monitoring comprehension when reading text not of choice Analyze characters, plot, theme and other literary elements of fiction Write a response to fiction in complete sentences IR Boot Camp Go over “Sea Monsters” Mini-lesson: paired pieces IR: “Tree Farms”/ “Tree Farm Tradition” Fiction Review Mini-lesson: characterization Continue analyzing “Greyling” Tuesday, Apr 15
OBJECTIVES: TLW… Use reading strategies such as chunking, eliminating, and monitoring comprehension when reading text not of choice Analyze characters, plot, theme and other literary elements of fiction Write a response to fiction in complete sentences IR Boot Camp Mini-lesson: paired pieces IR: “Heroes”/ “Freedom’s Star” Fiction review Mini-lesson: Figurative Language IR: “The Stone” pg Wednesday, Apr 16
OBJECTIVES: TLW… Use reading strategies such as chunking, eliminating, and monitoring comprehension when reading text not of choice Analyze characters, plot, theme and other literary elements of fiction Write a response to fiction in complete sentences IR Reading Assessment Thursday, Apr 17