Rotary on the Internet & Electronic Communication Douglas W. Vincent RI Technology Committee International Chairman, ROTI D7080 Communications Chairman
New 'Communications Committee' Group’s task is to: Help Clubs and District Committees share information to enhance their Rotary service, through effective use of ALL communications Including media such as: - Electronic (internet, website, ) - Written (newsletter/paper/news releases) - Radio/TV/Displays (public relations) - Telephone, Verbal, etc.
D7080 Communications Group Website: Adel Asterbadi & Martin Ward DG & Rotary News: Gary Evans & Training: Brian Carmichael Public Relations: Harry Levine & Hugh Stewart Rotary phone line : Barry Howie Automated attendance reporting: Gary Coates Chairman: Doug Vincent
What is the INTERNET ? Network upon Network upon Network upon Network upon Network upon Network A B C D E G CANADA Australia ISP Connection point K-W District7080E F Singapore USA Denmark England Germany
Why the Internet? (World Wide Web) Find information about your interests Get current Rotary Information –Club, District & International contacts –Club, District Local Events & Projects –District make-ups, Speakers, Special Projects –International fellowships and WCS projects Sow the Seeds of Love.. Electronically Security & Spam (junk mail) issues?
Why Electronic mail? ( ) Convenient: -Communicate easily w/family & friends -Non intrusive, more flexible scheduling Total World coverage: -Communicate w/Rotarians everywhere Short delivery time: -Stay current with club/district activities -Speed up the wheels of Rotary progress Inexpensive
Rotary resources on the Internet Rotary International RI President’s Web Site RI Committee/Task Force Web Sites (eLearning) Group list(s) for ideas & discussion ROTI (Rotarians on the Internet) Many Club and District Web Sites Member ‘Special Interest’ Sites
How do we use it for Rotary? Provide local/global communication about District/Club info and projects. Information source about Rotary to the world.. to the local community. Share program info, training material & ideas with Rotary members & leaders. Fast & convenient download of forms & resource information.
NEW... For new/prospective members!
What Does This Mean For You? Governors, Chairmen, Presidents using Internet as a major communication tool. Internet now major distribution medium: finding, telling, sharing of information. The Future.. Be part of the global scene and be truly part of Rotary International as it enters the electronic age.
What can we do? Identify club members on the Internet and help those who are not (register ) Develop informative Club web pages Use Rotary internet resources to make your club more effective Appoint a C.C.O. (Club Communications Officer)
How to find us … ? www.
Thank You (Feedback welcome on how we can all communicate better?)