What kind of person will Moshiach be? Moshiach will be a jew who has never done an aveirah [sin] and does all the mitzvot he can do.
What are the changes that will happen when Moshiach comes? This is before Moshiach This is what will happen when Moshiach comes When Moshiach comes people will only want to do good things.
How can we make Moshiach come sooner? Everyone learns torah everyday Every boy davens 3 times a day Everyone does lots of mitzvot Moshiach will come sooner if everyone learns torah every day, every boy davens 3 times a day and Everyone does lots of mitzvot.
Why is it so important to believe in Moshiach? It is so important to believe in Moshiach because we daven for him every day in the Amidah and it is one of the most important things Hashem ever told the Jewish people.
How long will it take for Moshiach to come? Moshiach can come any day.If we do lots of mitzvot Moshiach will come as fast as a cloud if we don’t do lots of mitzvot Moshiach will come as slow as a donkey.
It is up to you to make a difference Done by Josh Pimstein & Noah Kallner