CHURCH HISTORY II Lesson 6 “We are not our own” The life of John Calvin “You are not your own, you are bought with a price. Therefore honor God with you body” I Cor 6:19-20
“Calvin was one of those strong and consistent men of history who people either liked or disliked, adored or abhorred.“ -- Lewis W. Spitz, Lutheran Historian Calvin has, I believe, caused untold millions of souls to be damned…“ -- Jimmy Swaggart, Preacher “The longer I live the clearer does it appear that John Calvin’s system is the nearest to perfection.”-- Charles Haddon Spurgeon, “But we shall always find it hard to love the man [Calvin] who darkened the human soul with the most absurd and blasphemous conception of God in all the long and honored history of nonsense.“-- Will Durant, Historian “Taking into account all his failings, he [Calvin] must be reckoned as one of the greatest and best of men whom God raised up in the history of Christianity.“ -- Philip Schaff, Historian [Calvin was] the “cruel” and “the unopposed dictator of Geneva.” -- Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church “The strength of that heretic [Calvin] consisted in this, that money never had the slightest charm for him. If I had such servants my dominion would extend from sea to sea.“ Pope Pius IV, Roman Pontiff at time of Calvin’s death
I. Youth and Education A. July 10,1509Noyon, France “a man from the common people” Gerard Calvin-directed John’s path Education: with Aristocratic family Study for priesthood: Sorbonne Study for law: Orleans and Bourges
II. Conversion “intense desire for progress therein” When? Christian Humanist to Christian Prostestant Who? “the Lord turned my course” “It is evident that the Lord has elected you as an organ for the bestowment of the richest fullness of blessings to his church”Martin Bucer What? “My heart I give you oh Lord, promptly and sincerely”
III.The Place of Calvin’s Ministry: Geneva A. Influence of William Farel ( )
Appointed pastor of Geneva Church: September 5, 1536 May 28, 1538 Expelled!
IV. Strassburg A. MentorMartin Bucer ( ) B. Ministry C. Marriage Idelette de Bure Stordeur
V. Geneva Again Reluctant but willing The shape of Calvin’s ministry 1. Preacher and Teacher
2. Reformer a. ChurchEcclesiastical Ordinances of the Church of Geneva b. State 1) Calvin not a dictator 2) Geneva not a theocracy Burning of Servetus 1553