Smarter Balanced Assessments SBAC Field Test this spring Field Test will determine cut points for proficiency levels, validity of items Will not be used for accountability purposes Classes, subjects (ELA or Math) and 6-week testing window are determined by CDE LAUSD District-wide SBAC administration Grades 3-8 and 11 All students will take both subjects
SBAC Preparations Recommendations to prepare for the SBAC Assessments: Each school take one class through the process of taking the practice test in computer lab or in clusters of computers/devices Will allow us to determine what support is needed at schools Directions for administering practice test and survey coming soon
Current State of Assessments State assessments-CST Science at 5 th grade, 8 th grade and 10 th grade Life Science CST and CMA CST - EAP in ELA and mathematics at grade 11 (voluntary) CAPA grades 2-11 CAHSEE – no changes CELDT – no changes
District Periodic Assessments Periodic Assessments twice this year (one writing assessment and one performance task) Grades K-10 4 content areas in grades 6-10 Grade 11 ELA is voluntary Reclassification for K-2 is based on DIBELS Next and Writing Prompt
District Assessments Ongoing assessment is required as a part of an effective instructional program. Schools may choose from the following assessments options District provided CCSS aligned assessments Identify other CCSS aligned assessments Develop your own CCSS aligned assessments Schools may choose from a variety of options for providing the assessments Make copies in-house Use Repro for costs Online Data from the assessments will not be collected centrally but should be used at the school level to inform instructional practice