Relentlessly Pursuing Excellence Safe Respectful Responsible Announcements for November Kelly Lane Middle School Announcements for November Kelly Lane Middle School
Upcoming Events 11/21 Girls Basketball vs. PMS – 8 th at home (5:30) 11/25 Boys Basketball vs. BMS – 7 th at home (5:30) 11/27-29 No School – Thanksgiving Break
Need Help with Math? Come to the Math Lab! Open Tuesday through Friday before school from 7:30 to 8:00am in Room 315 Enter through the back doors near the 8 th grade offices Don’t forget to get a pass to enter the building before 7:45! To get a pass, just use the link from our school’s webpage! Send the to Ms. Phillips and a pass will be automatically sent to you!
PRE-ORDER YOURS TODAY! $25 Only $25 cash or check (made payable to KLMS) Order online at or pick up an order form in room 218 front office room 218 or in the front office ON SALE
CONGRATULATIONS!!! KLMS Band continues to make history… 25 Students earned the distinction of “Region 18 Band Member” The most in Pflugerville and Austin ISD! 5 of those students will participate in the Region 18 Orchestra this weekend. “Thank you to ALL of our students for working so hard. We are proud of each and every one of you.” –KLMS Band Directors
On Saturday, 35 KLMS Choir students participated in the Pflugerville ISD MS Solo & Ensemble event. All 35 students received the highest rating of superior! Way to go Knight Choir !!
Pre-AP Ambassadors If you know the importance of Pre-AP classes and If you are interested in becoming a Kelly Lane Pre-AP Ambassador see Mrs. Siller-Luis in room 316. Applications are due Friday, November 1 st & you can pick them up in the front office or outside 316.
UIL If you are interested in participating in UIL for maps, charts, and graphs or social studies, see Ms. Montez in room 102. We will meet every Wed. immediately after school until 4:15 beginning October 23 rd.
UIL Academic Teams Forming Now!! Wanted: Science geniuses in 6 th, 7 th and 8 th grade!! If you are interested stop by room 320 and see Ms. Kite!! Practice Days will be every other Thursday.
WANTED! Students to participate in UIL Oral Reading and Spelling! See Ms. Adams in Room 207 for more info!!!
It’s not too late to join the team. The team is open to 6 th, 7 th and 8 th graders. See Mrs. Ryan, room 319, for information. After school practice schedule is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday’s. You need to come to at least one practice a week. More will be required as we get closer to competition. First competition – December 14 th.
Science tutoring Thursday and Friday 7:45 to 8:00 in room 222
Have a great day, Knights! Work hard today and be very proud that you are: Respectful Responsible Safe