Navigating the Common Core State Standards through History-Social Science What do you know about CCSS & Social Studies?
Session Goals Participants will… determine where their departments are on a continuum of understanding and implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) be exposed to models of how they can direct the work of implementing the CCSS. develop an awareness of how the objectives of the CCSS can be supported in Social Studies
Rationale … if students are to be truly prepared for college, work, and citizenship, they cannot settle for a modest level of proficiency in reading and writing. Rather, they will need to develop the advanced literacy skills that are required in order to master the academic content areas- particularly the areas of math, science, English, and history. Rafael Heller and Cynthia Greenleaf
College-Eligible vs. College Ready College-Eligible: Students take (and pass) appropriate course work, ex. “a-g” courses, and the appropriate exams College Ready Students have the knowledge and skills to meet the expectations they encounter at the university level David T. Conley, College Knowledge
The Common Core State Standards: Requires a shift from high school completion to college and career readiness for all students Will radically change curricula, state assessments, school culture, and professional development Is dependent on principals & school leaders playing a key role for effective implementation The College Board, CCSS: the Role of the School Leader
San Diego’s Model to Implementing CCSS : Rigorous Curriculum Design- Larry Ainsworth, Leadership and Learning A rigorous curriculum serves as both the detailed road map and the high-quality delivery system for ensuring that all students achieve the desired end: the attainment of their designated grade or course-specific standards within a particular content area. Larry Ainsworth, 2010
RCD- A process not an event! Priority standards and supporting standards Unwrapping the standards, big ideas, and essential questions Common formative assessments (pre and post) Frequent progress monitoring checks Authentic performance tasks and scoring guides High impact instructional strategies The data teams process
RCD Implementation in SDUSD English/Language Ares 3 Cohorts of Elementary Teachers 3 Cohorts of Secondary Teachers Unit Development and Piloting Intensive PD Mathematics 3 Cohorts of Elementary Teachers 3 Cohorts of Secondary Teachers Unit Development and Piloting Intensive PD Science and History-Social Science 1 Cohort of Secondary Teachers (in each subject area) Unit Development and Piloting Intensive PD Cohorts led by Larry Ainsworth
History-Social Science in the CCSS:
History-Social Science
History-Social Science in the CCSS: The biggest change coming from the Common Core standards is not in the content itself, it’s the notion of a learning target, or level of cognitive demand and critical thinking, attached to a content standard. Kevin Baird
History-Social Science in the CCSS: The Role of Informational Text
History-Social Science in the CCSS: A major goal of content level education must be to: …introduce students to the ways in which experts in the core academic disciplines look at the world, investigate it, and communicate to one another about what they see and learn. Rafael Heller and Cynthia Greenleaf
History-Social Science in the CCSS: Through the writings of our students we are reminded of their individuality. We are reminded, whatever subject we are charged with teaching, that our ultimate charge is to produce broadly educated men and women with a sense of stewardship for the world they live in. William Zinsser, Writing to Learn
History-Social Science in the CCSS: Support for History-Social Science in the Common Core 1.History (and Science) have been part of the planning for transition to the CCSS 2.“Overview” training for district principals, vice principals, teacher, and counselors 3.Site visits to discuss impacts of the CCSS 4.Curriculum design teams
History-Social Science in the CCSS: Instructional Shifts ( 1. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and informational texts. 2.Reading and writing grounded in evidence from text. 3.Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary
History-Social Science in the CCSS: Historical Thinking establish historical significance use primary source evidence identify continuity and change analyze cause and consequence take historical perspectives understand the moral dimension of historical interpretations Peter Seixas
CCSS Roadmap: Read the article “Common Core Standards: Where Do We Begin?” Develop a plan for your department on integrating CCSS into your existing curriculum.(Template provided)
Going deeper into CCSS: Look through the CCSS standards for your grade level including: Speaking & Listening Reading Writing Math Practices Review your current units of study and explore places where you can explicitly support CCSS standards.