{ Beginning of German Expansion Skim pages Fill in the outline using your book: (copy entire outline and put your answers underneath, but leave some space to add info) -Germany takes Austria -Anschluss (definition): -Czechoslovakia (why is it different?): -Sudetenland (definition): -Munich Conference (what is agreed upon?): -Appeasement (definition): -Britain pledged to defend Poland, Hitler breaks agreement -Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact (definition): SIN #
Anschluss- unification of German people Austria mostly German speaking Accepting of takeover, promised better life under Germany Germany takes Austria
Didn’t want to be unified with Germany, multi-ethnic country and were aligned with France Sudetenland- territory Hitler wanted Czechoslovakia
Allies agree to Hitler's demands Hitler gets Sudetenland and promises not to invade anywhere else Allies see as victory, think they avoided war Appeasement- give them what they want to avoid problems Munich Conference
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Hitler never plans to keep agreement Sets eyes on Poland Britain pledges to defend Poland Poland
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Agreement between Hitler and Stalin to not fight each other Hitler can focus on Western front Stalin needs time to prepare military Both will divide Poland Shocks rest of Europe because were hated rivals Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact
Sin # cont Enrichment Activity- Pro or Con isolationism