OCTOBER 26, 2011 Professional Learning
Kudos! A great way to build community is through highlighting student achievement. Great work, Mr. Dent!
More Kudos! Commentary doesn’t have to be a lengthy regurgitation of the standard. It simply needs to point out what was done well using key terms from the standard, and when relevant, offer tips for better performance. Great commentary, Mr. Altouvas!
Food for Thought….. “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” -William James
Reminders Focus Walk on November 10 th Janet and I will be walking around doing a dry run Feedback will be provided by conference or CCGPS Rollout schedule Try to maximize your time by teaching until the bell rings to dismiss them to the next class
Did You Know?
Differentiation Take a look at the chart on pg. 9 of the extension packet. With a partner or group, brainstorm activities from your classrooms that were differentiated and share them with one another Chose a representative to record the best examples on the board