Program Committee Report Jacqueline Brown Pacific Wave
First, Thank you to Francis Lee, co-chair of PC Members of the PC David Lassner His grey shirt volunteers All the attendees Those I forgot to mention
Coordination with JtTechs Thanks to Kitamura-san for all his work Thanks to Russ Hobby from Internet2 Challenge of shortening the APAN program while retaining the richness Some repetition of presentations But, we hope we succeeded for the most part
Attendees at APAN attendees Cancellations because of high cost of travel and accommodations
Feedback on APAN25 Requested Vilmorat passed out evaluation forms Send additional comments to and
Planning APAN 26 Workshop/working group/etc proposals requested by 15 February to assure place in the program Send to Sooner is even better
Thank you! Mahalo nui loa!