PC / SIG Report Sunny Chendi Busan, South Korea Thursday, 1 September
APNIC SIGs Signs that a SIG may have outlived its purpose include: Lack of discussion on the mailing lists for more than one year Lack of response to calls for presentations at SIG sessions Low attendance at SIG sessions 2
APNIC SIGs A SIG may be dissolved if the members of the SIG decide that this is an appropriate course of action and this recommendation is approved by the AMM. If a SIG is dissolved, all associated mailing lists will be closed for subscription, but the public archives will remain on the APNIC website. 3
APNIC SIGs Decision to close the following SIGs Database SIG DNS operations SIG IPv6 Technical SIG Internet eXchange SIG Routing SIG Mailing lists will be closed and APOPS, APIX and APRICOT Peering Forum recommended as replacement fora 4
Program Committee Proposed that community sourced Program Committee be continued Action: Philip Smith to discuss the following with APIA Board: APRICOT 2012 PC be asked to act as PC for APNIC 34 The appointment and service terms of the PC Chair and Co-Chair 5
Thank You 6