Surface Water & Ground Water Karen Lopez & Jennifer Lopez(:
Meandering When a river flowing through a floodplain typically winds back and forth in curves.
Natural Levees During a flood a river carries sediment and it is deposited and it builds up along the stream and forms elevated ridges.
Water Table The surface below which the ground is saturated with water.
Wells Artesian Formation- an arrangement of permeable layer of rock sandwiched between two layers of impermeable rock.
Transport material Load- Eroded rock and soil materials that are transported downstream by a river.
Transport material Suspension- Rock materials carried by a river are stirred up and kept from sinking by the turbulence of stream flow.
Transport material Bed load- Sand pebbles and boulders that are moved along the bed of a stream and that are too heavy to be carried in suspension.
Deposition Delta- fan- shaped deposit that form when a river flows into a quiet or large body of water.
Deposition Alluvial Fan- forms when a steep mountain stream meets dry, level land at the base of the mountain.
Question 1 What kind of materials are transported in a river’s bed load? Boulders Sand Clay
The correct answer was: a. Boulders
Question 2 How do natural levees form? Earthquakes Tsunamis Floods
The correct answer was: c. Floods
Review Questions 1. What is meandering and what landforms does it make? - Rivers that curve. 2. What are natural levees and how do they form? Elevated ridges along rivers that form by floods. 3. What 3 ways can rivers move the earth? Sediment load, Bed load, & Dissolve load
Review Questions 4. What is the water table? - The upper surface of the zone of saturation affected by water going in and out. 5. How does a well change the water table? - The water table gets sucked in. 6. What is an artesian well? - An arrangement of permeable layer of rock sandwiched between two layers of impermeable rock.